Месяц: Август 2015


Joy McFadden[1] I was stuck. By night I dreamt of a grassy yard to romp in with my dogs and blooming trees to lie under. By day I patrolled the gray halls of an aging Boston hospital. Skyrocketing property taxes and a demanding job conspired to keep me pale, cramped, and stuck. And, of course, […]

About the Authors

John C. Cavanaugh is Chancellor of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. Previously, he was President of the University of West Florida. A researcher and teacher of adult development and aging for more three decades, he has published nearly 80 articles and chap­ters and authored, co-authored, or co-edited 15 books on aging, infor­mation technology, […]


In the quarter century that I have worked on women’s and men’s issues, there has never been a moment when I have seen men feeling more gagged, and more ready to remove their gags, than now. I see men searching for ways to explore the only space men have been unwilling to explore — their […]

Instructor’s Manual with Test Bank ISBN-10: 0495603457 |

ISBN-13: 9780495603450 The sixth edition of Adult Development and Aging is accompanied by an instructor’s manual with test bank. Each chapter begins with a lecture outline that highlights the main points of the chapter. Additionally, supplemental information is included, as are suggested activities and dis­cussion topics. A list of suggested videos is also PREFACE XIII […]

The Managed Heart

I think my interest in how people manage emotions began when my parents joined the U. S. Foreign Service. At the age of twelve, I found myself passing a dish of peanuts among many guests and looking up at their smiles; diplomatic smiles can look different when seen from below than when seen straight on. […]

Feminist Sociology

New Horizons in Sociology The British Sociological Association is publishing a series of books to review the state of the discipline at the beginning of the millenium. New Horizons in Sociology also seeks to locate the contribution of British scholarship to the wider development of sociology. Sociology is taught in all the major institutions of […]