Месяц: Август 2015

The formation of the Puntland administration, 1998

On 23 July 1998 the political and traditional leaders of Somalia’s north eastern regions declared the autonomous Puntland State of Somalia under the presidency of former SSDF chairman, Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf. A nine-member cabinet was appointed and a 69-member parliament, including five seats reserved for women. According to its founding charter Puntland is a first […]


Feminist epistemological and methodological debates of the 1980s and 1990s have been both informed and transformed by feminism’s interrogation of postmodernism and poststructuralism. Chris Weedon’s Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist Theory (1987) sets out the relationship between feminism, poststructuralism and subjectivity, and comments that feminism and poststructuralism are both centrally concerned with the issue of subjectivity. […]

General Designs for Research

Having selected the way we want to measure the topic of interest, researchers must embed this mea­sure in a research design that yields useful, relevant results. Gerontologists rely on primary designs in planning their work: experimental studies, correla­tional studies, and case studies. The specific design chosen for research depends in large part on the questions […]

Measurement in Adult Development and Aging Research

Researchers typically begin by deciding how to mea­sure the topic of interest. For example, the first step toward resolving Leah and Sarah’s discussion about remembering grocery items would be to decide how to measure remembering. Gerontologists usually use one of three approaches: observing system­atically, using tasks to sample behavior, and ask­ing people for self-reports. In […]


Despite its familiar caricature, feminist essentialism is not a unitary system of thought. Marshall (1994:104) maintains that three types of essentialist thinking can be identified, ‘each resting on different sorts of argument about how biological difference is transformed into subjective difference-biological essentialism,4 philosophical essentialism and historical reification.’ Biological essentialism is usually associated with the work […]


Second edition The concept of gender continues to be a central issue in literary and cultural studies, with a significance that crosses disciplinary boundaries and provokes lively debate. In this fully revised and updated second edition, David Glover and Cora Kaplan offer a lucid and illuminating introduction to ‘gender’ and its implications, including: • an […]


The issues of subjectivity and identity within feminist theorising are closely related to issues of epistemology within feminist theoretical analysis and the relationship between feminist knowledge and women’s experience. Feminist debates in the 1990s are more reflective of the ongoing debates around feminist epistemology and theory both from within and outside feminism (see Chapter 2). […]