Месяц: Август 2015


It all started with “nursies.” Elrena was sitting at her computer, nursing her baby girl and Googling the new vocabulary of her life. If you try this, Google will ask if you really mean “nurseries,” but if you’re sure of your spelling, you’ll still find a link to the essay Elrena found that day: Amy […]


Issues of diversity and ‘difference’ infeminist theorising INTRODUCTION This first chapter investigates feminism’s location at the intersection of modernity and postmodernity, and examines some of the debates which have been leading feminism towards a possible paradigm shift. As it confronts critiques from within and outside its own discourses, contemporary feminism is reassessing its epistemological foundations […]

Culture and Ethnicity

Culture and ethnicity jointly provide status, social settings, living conditions, and personal experi­ences for people of all ages, and they influence and are influenced by biological, psychological, and life-cycle developmental forces. Culture can be defined as shared basic value orientations, norms, beliefs, and customary habits and ways of living. Culture provides the basic worldview of […]

The Forces of Development

Gray hair, remembering, activity levels—Why do adults differ so much on these and other things? This question requires us to understand the basic forces that shape us. Developmentalists typically consider four interactive forces (shown in Figure 1.8): • Biological forces include all genetic and health — related factors that affect development. Examples of biological forces […]