Месяц: Август 2015

Mapping Scripts and Narratives of Women Who. Kill Their Husbands in Canada, 1866-1954:. Inscribing the Everyday

SYLVIE FRIGON [ 1 ] Fallen women. Unruly women. Deviant women. Women who kill. They are dark creatures, dark characters who disturb and fascinate. Although many contemporary films and prime-time television shows have been devoted to crime, this interest in the representation of crime for public edification is not a new phenomenon. The fascination for […]


The radical movements of the 1960s and 1970s opened debates about a range of practical issues to do with sex and gender, ranging from sexual expression to economic inequality, police violence against gays, and rape. Naming these issues, the new feminist and gay politics also posed theoretical questions and began to grow a theoretical language: […]

Issues in Studying Adult Development and Aging

LEARNING OBJECTIVES • What four main forces shape development? • What are normative age-graded influences, normative history-graded influences, and nonnormative influences? • How do culture and ethnicity influence aging? • What is the meaning of age? • What are the nature-nurture, stability-change, continuity-discontinuity, and the "universal versus context-specific development" controversies? L evar Johnson smiled broadly […]


We’d like to thank the widespread community of mothers who make up Literary Mama, especially Amy Hudock, for bringing us together and in­spiring us with their excellent writing. We’re grateful to our agent, Rachel Sussman, for her guidance, and our editor at Rutgers University Press, Adi Hovav, for her unflagging enthusiasm for this book. Our […]


This book developed out of a course I have been teaching since 1996 at the University of the West of England, called Gender and Sexuality in Film and Television. I would like to thank all the students with whom I have discussed the programmes and issues included here. Their insights and diversity of responses have […]


DEVELOPMENT   Myths and Stereotypes about Aging We are surrounded by misconceptions of older adults. We have all seen cartoons making jokes about older adults whose memories are poor or whose physical abilities have declined. Most damaging are the ideas portrayed in the media that older adults are incapable of leading productivelives and making a […]


The one area of her occupational life in which she might be “free to act,” the area of her own personality, must now also be managed, must become the alert yet obsequious instrument by which goods are distributed. — C. Wright Mills In a section in Das Kapital entitled “The Working Day,” Karl Marx examines […]