Месяц: Август 2015


On 4 October 2004 Amnesty International released Stolen Sisters: Discrimina­tion and Violence against Indigenous Women in Canada: A Summary of Amnesty International’s Concerns. The summary states: A shocking 1996 Canadian government statistic reveals that Indigenous women between the ages of 25 and 44, with status under the Indian Act, were five times more likely than […]

Cultural Studies Series

Cultural Studies is the multi — and interdisciplinary study of culture, defined anthropologically as a “way of life,” performatively as symbolic practice, and ideologically as the collective product of media and cultural industries, i. e., pop culture. Although Cultural Studies is a relative newcomer to the human­ities and social sciences, in less than half a […]


The use of the concept of postfeminism is problematic for two reasons, which need to be clarified: first, the widespread ‘popular’ conception of postfeminism as a result of the appropriation of the term by the media; and second, the uneven development of postfeminism as a movement expressing change, and the resulting chronological and geographical distinctions […]


Warm thanks to those who helped: To Jeffrey and Judie Klein for their bracing but loving advice on a misty first draft; to Todd Gitlin for unfolding and hanging out my ideas with me; to Anne Machung for her support and won­drous line-by-line work in red ink; and to Ann Swidler who has shown me […]

Same-Sex Marriages

This book is about formalised same-sex relationships — what in the UK are legally termed ‘civil partnerships’ and what in the media and every­day life are termed ‘gay marriages’. Our aim is to show how younger generations of same-sex couples, who see their lives and relationships as relatively ordinary, have responded to new opportunities for […]

The Origins of Sex

I should never have aspired to become a historian, nor persevered with this book, without the example and encouragement of several outstand­ing scholars and friends. I recall with gratitude the support of Ian Archer, Peter Biller, Jan Blokker, Michael Braddick, Robin Briggs, Marilyn Butler, Robert Darnton, Rees Davies, Anthony Fletcher, Clive Holmes, Joanna Innes, Ian […]