From role mate to soul mate For thousands of years, most marriages were in Stage I — survival-focused. After World War II, marriages increasingly flirted with Stage II — a self- fulfillment focus. In Stage I, most couples were role mates: the woman raised the children and the man raised the money. In Stage II, […]
День: 04.09.2015
The first public schools for girls 1898-1902
On the eve of the 1898 reform period, a number of male reformers and their wives met to discuss the establishment of a girls’ school in Shanghai. These included Zheng Guanying, Kang Guangren (the brother of Kang Youwei), Liang Qichao and his wife Li Huixian (1868-1925),41 Jing Yuanshan (1841-1903), the head of the Shanghai Telegraph […]
All of this says how the ad was disturbing but not Why, we can ask, did the students sound this alarm? The answer is not, after all, self-evident. History is replete with examples of family patterns that illustrate each oi the various ways in which this ad offended them. For example, in traditional China and […]
All of this says how the ad was disturbing but not Why, we can ask, did the students sound this alarm? The answer is not, after all, self-evident. History is replete with examples of family patterns that illustrate each oi the various ways in which this ad offended them. For example, in traditional China and […]
Neuroscience and Socio-Emotional Aging
LEARNING OBJECTIVES • Are there differences in the brain for cognitive versus socio-emotional functioning? • What is the neural circuitry responsible for enhanced memory for emotional information? • What are the neural underpinnings of the positivity effect found in older adults? D uring a family squabble, Shelby chooses to focus her attention on reducing the […]
In truth this was an over-determined matter, for many different patterns of thought underpinned sexual discipline and were invoked in its justification. The most basic was the patriarchal principle that every woman was the property of her father or husband, so that it was a kind of theft for any stranger to have sex with […]
Women’s Experiences of the War
Editors’ introduction ‘Colka ninka soo arkay iyo kan loogo warama si ugama wada cararaan.’ Somali proverb, which translates as ‘the one who experiences conflict and the one who hears about it will have different fears’.1 During a workshop in 1997 which brought together the contributors of this book, women from various regions of Somalia shared […]
Мал as “nigger”?
In the early years of the women’s movement, an article in Psychology Today called "Women as Nigger" quickly led to feminist activists (myself included) making parallels between the oppression of women and blacks.28 Men were characterized as the oppressors, the "master," the "slaveholders". Black congresswoman Shirley Chisholm’s statement that she faced far more discrimination as […]
New narratives of ordinary lives
Despite the ways in which the media represented the couple discussed at the beginning of this chapter, as being at the vanguard of posttraditional secular lifestyles, the publicising of their personal story about being in a marriage-like relationship had its beginnings in an commonplace experience that would raise few eyebrows: going on holiday. Reflecting on […]
In recent years, there has been a proliferation of literature by gay and lesbian people of color exploring the relationship between racism and heterosexist oppression. This literature is part of a broader artistic, political, and scholarly movement that documents the existence and the varied experiences of gay and lesbian people of color. Jewelle Gomez’s work […]