День: 04.09.2015

Scholar, Negated

jessica smartt gullion My sense that my status had changed was confirmed midway through the fall semester. As I sat in my office preparing a lecture on data triangula­tion, the department chair poked her head around my door and tapped her fingernails for a moment on the doorframe. Without looking me in the eye, she […]

The work obligation gap

The media popularizes studies reporting women’s greater amount of lime spent on housework and child care, concluding: women work two jobs, men work one But this is misleading. Women do work more hours inside the home, but men work more hours outside the home And the average man commutes farther and spends more time doing […]

The Sacrosanctity of Marriage

In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, women were not legal persons in the eyes of the law. A woman had to be submissive and to obey her husband, and those who deviated from the norm paid dearly. Of course, women who were thought to have lovers and who were also con­demned for having […]

What Happened to Feminism?

My desire to restore historical consciousness about female separatism has both a personal and an intellectual motivation. As a feminist working within male-dominated academic institutions, I have realized that I could not sur­vive without access to the feminist culture and politics that flourish outside mixed institutions. How, I have wondered, could women in the past […]

Scholarship and Strategies

The feminist scholarship of the past decade has often been concerned, either explicitly or implicitly, with two central political questions: the search for the origins of women’s oppression and the formulation of effective strategies for combating patriarchy. Analysis of the former question helps us answer the latter. As anthropologist Gayle Rubin has wryly explained: “If […]