At the time I wrote this essay, I had begun to question liberal feminism in light of the separatist “women’s culture” of the 1970s. In the work of Emily Newell Blair, the feminist politician who in the late 1920s reconsidered the strategy of integrating women into mainstream political parties, I found historical precedents for applying […]
День: 04.09.2015
The power of appreciation
ITEM The Mike Tyson trial The hotel m which the jury is sequestered goes ablaze. Two fire fighters die in saving its occupants. The trial of Mike Tyson made us increasingly aware of men-as-rapists. The tire fighters’ deaths did not make us increasingly aware of men-as-saviors. We were more aware of one man doing harm […]
Amanda Cross (1981: 22) has a sympathetic character say: ‘when the patriarchy gets worried, it goes into action’. The action of the patriarchy is apparent in many of the chapters, and the ‘backlash’ against feminism is discussed in Chapter 7. Feminism is a controversial ideology, even in sociology which is generally a broad church, tolerant […]
Sexual Boundaries: Mapping the History of Sexuality
As a beginning graduate student intent on forging a new women’s history, I had not yet made the analytic link between hierarchies based on gender (that is, socially constructed categories of male and female) and those based on sexuality (that is, erotic and reproductive practices and identities). Two incidents that occurred while I was in […]
1) Freudianism and Feminism grew from the same soil. It is no accident that Freud began his work at the height of the early feminist movement. We underestimate today how important feminist ideas were at the time. The parlor conversations about the nature of men and women, the possibility of artificial reproduction (babies in glass […]
“My body, my choice» power
In the 1990s, if a woman and man make love and she says she is using birth control but is not, she has the right to raise the child without his knowing he even has a child, and then to sue him for retroactive child support even ten to twenty years later (depending on the […]
Racial Solidarity or Division? Focusing on the Million Man March, Part I represents an attempt to articulate the importance of the March as a sociopolitical Black community event. The essays in this part raise two interrelated questions: (1) Did the March transcend Minister Louis Farrakhan and his political ideology? and (2) Did the politics of […]
The preceding discussion is intended to frame this collection and to provide a point of entry for reading the essays. The remainder of this introduction sets forth the structure and organization of the book. The essays are organized into four parts. While each part has a certain thematic coherence, the authors speak from different and […]
Neural Plasticity and the Aging Brain
LEARNING OBJECTIVES • How do animal models contribute to our understanding of neural plasticity and aging? • What evidence is there for neural plasticity in aging humans? • How does aerobic exercise influence cognitive aging? M arisa has been playing incessantly with her latest Nintendo Wii video game. Her grandmother, Leticia, became captivated by her […]
For most of these young educated Californians, the ad seemed to strike a raw nerve. How did it do this? First of all, it disturbed many students that a familial role was shown to be divisible into slivers, a whole separated into parts, as the student quoted above referred to the “beautiful intertwining of loving, […]