День: 04.09.2015

I Separatism as Strategy Female Institution Building and American Feminism, 1870 -1930

At the time I wrote this essay, I had begun to question liberal feminism in light of the separatist “women’s culture” of the 1970s. In the work of Emily Newell Blair, the femi­nist politician who in the late 1920s reconsidered the strategy of integrating women into mainstream political parties, I found historical precedents for applying […]


Amanda Cross (1981: 22) has a sympathetic character say: ‘when the patriarchy gets worried, it goes into action’. The action of the patri­archy is apparent in many of the chapters, and the ‘backlash’ against feminism is discussed in Chapter 7. Feminism is a controversial ideolo­gy, even in sociology which is generally a broad church, tolerant […]