День: 05.09.2015

Secular Morality

Social-scientific theories of gender are a Western invention, as far as I know, and definitely a modern one. Other civilizations have had their own ways of dealing with human sexuality and the relations between the sexes. As Indian eroticism and Chinese family codes illustrate, these can be as sophisticated and elaborate as anything the West […]


There are two ways of doing deep acting. One is by directly exhorting feeling, the other by making indirect use of a trained imagination.5 Only the second is true Method acting. But in either case, Stanislavski argued, the acting of passions grows out of living in them. People sometimes talk as much about their efforts […]


The commodity frontier, Janus-faced, looks out on one side to the market­place and on the other side to the family. On the market side it is a frontier for companies as they expand the number of market niches for goods and services covering activities that, in yesteryear, formed part of unpaid “family life." On the […]


The commodity frontier, Janus-faced, looks out on one side to the market­place and on the other side to the family. On the market side it is a frontier for companies as they expand the number of market niches for goods and services covering activities that, in yesteryear, formed part of unpaid “family life." On the […]

Public sphere debates

Suspicion of sexual pleasure has often characterized ‘left-wing’ public sphere debates as well. They frequently assume that a proliferation of sexual discourse is an unquestion­ably bad consequence of the effects of neo-liberalism, convergence, globalization and deregulation on the ‘quality’ of television provision. Understood as ‘dumbing down’ or ‘tabloidization’, these changes are seen to accompany the […]


sheila squillante They watch my belly every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:15 to 12:05. As I lecture about active voice, clarity, and persuasion in prose, I can feel their eyes squinting, searching my middle for signs. I am three, four, five, and, finally, six months pregnant at semester’s end, and I know that some […]

Neurological Recruitment Underlying the Positivity Effect in Memory

We begin this section by examining what we know about the emotional memory network and the degree to which corresponding brain struc­tures decline or are preserved with increasing age. Interestingly, the regions implicated in emotional processing such as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) undergo relatively modest struc­tural changes with aging, and the amygdala is relatively […]

Aging and Emotional Processing

Similar to the behavioral research on younger adults above, there is growing research indicating that older adults also detect emotional information (e. g., in visual search tasks; Leclerc & Kensinger, 2008) and remember emotional information (e. g., remembering emotional words; Kensinger, 2008) better than nonemotional information. However, despite this emotional enhancement effect on infor­mation processing, […]