День: 06.09.2015

Public Memory, Pedagogy, and Ambivalence

To explore the argument outlined above, I turn to the tenth anniversary rep­resentation and circulation of the memory of the Montreal massacre in the Canadian media. As Chun (1999,114) remarks, in the absence of any juridical forum, “the mediatization of the event” has become particularly important to “the task of comprehending the massacre and placing […]

The drive towards perfection

The most important difference between Catholic and Reformed atti­tudes to sex was the Protestant aspiration to perfection. The traditional Catholic view had been that fleshly lusts were reprehensible but inevitable: to restrain them completely might be impossible, or coun­ter-productive. The enforcement of sexual discipline was accordingly balanced by a certain amount of toleration of organized […]

An “Opt-Out Revolution”?

In 2003 the various rumors and claims about the challenges of managing work and family life crystallized into news of a full — scale retreat to hearth and home. Detecting the start of an “opt-out revolution,” Lisa Belkin’s New York Times Magazine article told of accomplished professional women leaving high — powered jobs to stay […]

An “Opt-Out Revolution”?

In 2003 the various rumors and claims about the challenges of managing work and family life crystallized into news of a full — scale retreat to hearth and home. Detecting the start of an “opt-out revolution,” Lisa Belkin’s New York Times Magazine article told of accomplished professional women leaving high — powered jobs to stay […]

How the government played substitute husband while no one played substitute wife

When divorce occurred, women’s greatest fear was of economic depriva­tion. Men’s was of emotional deprivation. Stage II divorce laws helped Alice make a transition from economic dependence to economic independence. No Stage II laws helped Jack make a transition from emotional dependence to emotional independence. (Which is why Alice rushed to a court for economic […]