the achievements of feminist sociology A manda Cross (1981: 148) writes of ‘the new forms possible to women’. This chapter focuses on the achievements of feminist sociology in making those new forms, and in colonising the old forms which were male strongholds. Achievement is in the eye of the beholder. As there are many different […]
День: 07.09.2015
SOCIALIZATION FOR SLAVERY Scars as male eligibility
Women’s scars and rituals involved beauty (piercing ears and noses, binding feet, and wearing corsets); men’s involved protecting women. In cultures in which physical strength is still the best way to protea women, as among the Dodos in Uganda, each time a man kills a man, he is awarded a ritual scar; the more scars, […]
The hazards of heroism
Heroism had its hazards: teaching a boy to kill and then expecting him to kill only to protea; instruaing him to kill males, but not females or children. The tragedy of the warrior is that the more he fights the enemy, the more he begias to be like the enemy; the more he kills beasts, […]
t FOR NECHEM1A who will outgrow childhood before it is eliminated Women and children are always mentioned in the same breath (“Women and children to the forts!”)* The special tie women have with children is recognized by everyone. I submit, however, that the nature of this bond is no more than shared oppression. And that […]
Qaad chewing
Qaad is the name of a plant (catha edulis) cultivated in parts of Ethiopia, Kenya and Yemen in particular. When chewed the leaves produce a mildly stimulating sensation and result in a loss of appetite. Qaad was banned for a while under Siad Barre. Chewed mainly by men, but also increasingly by women, it is […]
Preventing Falls through Tai Chi
Who were the investigators, and what were the aims of the studies? Helping older adults improve their balance is an important way to help lower the risk of falling. Tai chi, an ancient Chinese martial art, enhances body awareness. Previous research had shown that tai chi is an effective approach to improving balance, but whether […]
The Frankfurt school of sociology and more recent scholars such as Juliet Schor and Robert Kuttner have criticized consumerism without focusing on the family. Family scholars such as William Goode or Steven Mintz and Susan Kellogg have focused on the family without attending much to consumerism. Indeed, with the exception of Viviana Zelizer, Christopher Lasch, […]
The Frankfurt school of sociology and more recent scholars such as Juliet Schor and Robert Kuttner have criticized consumerism without focusing on the family. Family scholars such as William Goode or Steven Mintz and Susan Kellogg have focused on the family without attending much to consumerism. Indeed, with the exception of Viviana Zelizer, Christopher Lasch, […]
Science and Radicalism
These assumptions of naturalness were nevertheless challenged from several directions. One was evolutionary biology. Charles Darwin’s Descent of Man in 1874 offered a detailed account of ‘sexual selection’ as a mechanism of evolution alongside the ‘natural selection’ emphasized in the Origin of Species. In his unemphatic style Darwin took the issue of sex out of […]
Sociology in Britain in 2001 is very different from 1968. It is much bigger: far more staff, students and departments, and far more sociologists teaching medical students, dental students, nurses, social workers, and other professions. Whole new areas of empirical research have been opened up, which I have discussed in Chapter 3. There is, however, […]