The past may hold some keys to the future, but in i960 there was little inkling that within one generation the majority of women with children would be actively engaged in the labor force—Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique had yet to appear. There was even less of a clue that the U. S. fertility rate would […]
День: 07.09.2015
In the Meantime: The Other Revolution
The past may hold some keys to the future, but in i960 there was little inkling that within one generation the majority of women with children would be actively engaged in the labor force—Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique had yet to appear. There was even less of a clue that the U. S. fertility rate would […]
As Smelser has observed in his analysis of the myth of California, every myth has an element of both reality and unreality. In our mental life a myth is located somewhere between daydream and ideology.21 We have a myth of the American frontier, and of course, there really was a western frontier. The very possibility […]
As Smelser has observed in his analysis of the myth of California, every myth has an element of both reality and unreality. In our mental life a myth is located somewhere between daydream and ideology.21 We have a myth of the American frontier, and of course, there really was a western frontier. The very possibility […]
Have you ever watched middle-aged people try to read something that is right in front of them? If they do not already wear glasses or contact lenses, they typically move the material farther away so that they can see it clearly. This change in vision is one of the first noticeable signs of aging, along […]
These piecemeal, local and colonial attempts to create a brave new world, dedicated to God and purified of sin, were in the 1640s and 1650s suddenly played out on a national scale. Within English society, * This is why in Scotland those guilty of incest, sodomy, and bestiality, the most abominable crimes of all, were […]
A generation or two earlier, Gina might reasonably have assumed that the men she was dating were both potential partners and potential fathers. However, when her latest relationship ended, she concluded that she faced two pursuits: one for a child and the other for a partner. In her case, as in most of the women […]
To the two main points of this chapter, first, that Freudianism and Feminism grew out of the same historical conditions, and second, that freudianism and feminism are based on the same set of realities, I shall add a third: Freudianism subsumed the place of Feminism as the lesser of two evils. x We have shown […]
Were men less than property?
Men were not thought of as property or animals, they were just used that way. The fifteenth-century Incas did not have horses to speed messages over the long distances up and down mountain paths. The men were given coca leaves (cocaine), which allowed them to run fanher and faster. . . until they burned out.7 […]
The first part of the chapter investigates the significance of Foucault’s concepts of power and discourse for feminist theory. In order to understand the impact of the Foucauldian model for feminist theory and politics it is important to contextualise Foucault’s work within the broader debate within social theory around the epistemological and methodological implications of […]