День: 08.09.2015


Single motherhood begins with a conviction and a secret. The conviction is to become a mother. The secret is the possibility of becoming a single mom. The secret comforts the conviction: it is there on dates, in relationships, in the work­place, and when single women see mothers with their children. Knowing they have the option […]

Respiratory System

You probably don’t pay much attention to your breath­ing unless you’re gasping for breath after exercise— or you’re an older adult. Older adults tend to notice their breathing a great deal more. Why? With increas­ing age, the rib cage and the air passageways become stiffer, making it harder to breathe. The lungs change in appearance […]


The risk of a CVA increases with age; in fact, CVAs are among the leading causes of death and chronic disorders among older adults in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008a). In addition to age, other risk factors include being male, being African American, and having high blood pressure, heart disease, […]


The Glorious Revolution of 1688, in which the Catholic James II was overthrown by the invasion of his son-in-law, the Dutch Protestant prince William of Orange, was widely perceived by English Protes­tants as a divine intervention. It was God’s way of giving England one last chance to reject sin, irreligion, and ill government. In response, […]

Engineering Motherhood

Jennifer eyre white When I was in elementary school, back in the mid-1970s, my parents gave me a handheld electronic game that was like Ping-Pong. A little LED “ball” would go back and forth across the screen, and you’d have to push one of three buttons on your side (depending on where the ball “hit”) […]

The Ma(r)king of an Event

Gun control legislation, efforts to increase the number of women in engineer­ing programs, and the design of monuments7 can be readily understood as strategic remembrance practices—practices that tie the legacy of the Mon­treal massacre into contemporary political efforts to achieve a redeemed future. Indeed, such practices are easy to identify as having helped “us” move […]

Cardiovascular System

Tune into your pulse. The beating of your heart is the work of an amazing organ. In an average lifetime, the heart beats more than 3 billion times, pumping the equivalent of more than 900 million gallons of blood. Two important age-related struc­tural changes in the heart are the accumulation of fat deposits and the […]