День: 11.09.2015

Two Boards and a Passion

On Theater, Academia, and the Art of Failure anjalee deshpande nadkarni I had gone to the annual conference of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education to present a paper entitled “The Maternal vs. the Pater­nal: Navigating the Divide in Rehearsal and in the Classroom.” The paper, which explored differences between male and female directorial […]


American and Japanese Advice Books for Women WITH KAZUKO TANAKA Nowadays husbands and wives, parents and children don’t say "hello" to each other in the morning. Sometimes not only does the wife not prepare breakfast, she doesn’t even get out of bed. If you think this is sex equality and that the man is a […]


American and Japanese Advice Books for Women WITH KAZUKO TANAKA Nowadays husbands and wives, parents and children don’t say "hello" to each other in the morning. Sometimes not only does the wife not prepare breakfast, she doesn’t even get out of bed. If you think this is sex equality and that the man is a […]


In the Middle Ages there was no such thing as child­hood. The medieval view of children was profoundly different from ours. It was not only that it was not “childcentered,” it literally was not conscious of children as distinct from adults. The childmen and childwomen of medieval iconography are miniature adults, reflecting a wholly different […]


Undeniably, the Million Man March, on October 16, 1995, energized the Black community. Many felt empowered by this spectacular event. Its leaders spoke eloquently of uplift and rejuvenation to a community thirsting for solutions to catastrophic problems, problems such as drug abuse, Black-on-Black violence, teenage pregnancy, record arrest and incarceration rates, AIDS, homelessness, endemic joblessness, […]