День: 11.09.2015


After 1688 even the summary conviction of sexual offenders was increasingly called into question. Throughout the middle ages, the six­teenth century, and the seventeenth, as we have seen, it had been common practice to punish harlots summarily for their evil life. The societies for reformation continued this practice, systematically using so-called general warrants, which empowered […]

Medical Intervention

Medical intervention can serve as a catalytic event when women learn that they have a medical problem that may lead to infertility if they do not act imme­diately. Usually it is endometriosis that hastens women’s decision. Endometriosis is a misunderstood reproductive disease: the medical profession often informs women who have it that if they do […]

Sex Role Theory

The literature on ‘sex roles’ is very large. It is also more than a little confused, especially over the differences between ‘sex roles’, ‘sex differences’ and ‘sexual character’. An example is the well — known research on androgyny by Sandra Bern, which attempts to measure psychological traits of masculinity and femininity. Her questionnaire is entitled […]

Reopening the Question of Memory: Ambivalence and Difficult Returns

While Fran^oise David’s comment cites emotional proximity as a hindrance to claiming a memorial narrative of emblemization, I suggest that this prox­imity may be read, instead, as indicative of how difficult (emotionally, politi­cally, socially, publicly, etc.) yet necessary it is to face Lepine’s accusatory hatred of feminists (feminism) as a reason for murder. Perhaps this […]

That Mommy Thing

First Day of School amy hudock I walked down brick pathways to teach my first university class in over two years. I kept my eyes down, looking at each brick as I passed over it, trying to keep from crying. Their deep earth color reminded me of the blood that came with my daughter’s birth, […]

Motherhood after Tenure

Confessions of a Late Bloomer aeron haynie She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older—the natural sequel of an unnatural beginning. —Jane Austen, Persuasion (1818) Like Jane Austen’s Persuasion, my story is about waiting—and the disori­enting blessing of getting what I most desire when I’d given up […]