I govern the Athenians, my wife governs me. Themistocles, 528 to 462 нс*1 Patriarchy versus matriarchy: government structure versus family structure You can cut off a man s head if a man be a bachelor, sir; but if he be a married man, no; for a married man is a woman s; for to cut […]
День: 12.09.2015
Wasn’t witch burning proof that we cared less about women than about men?
When we think of burning witches at the stake, we often think of the Salem witch trials and men burning women. In fact, the Salem witch trials were a direct result of two girls who experienced epileptic convulsions and blamed their convulsions on the witchcraft of several women in Salem.59 The. Salem witch trials were […]
There are a number of tensions in feminism’s engagement with the Foucauldian conceptualisation of the operation of power. Because power in Foucault can be conceptualised as ever-changing, generating points of intensity, it can also be seen as generating points of resistance. While many forms of feminism are committed to an organisation of the mass of […]
Managing Pain
One of the most unpleasant aspects of many chronic diseases is pain. Pain is disruptive, saps energy, negatively affects quality of life, and can lead to an ever-intensifying cycle of pain, anxiety, and anguish. Pain is also one of the most common complaints of older adults, and does not necessarily reflect the same things as […]
The end of legal discipline
By 1750 most forms of consensual sex outside marriage had drifted beyond the reach of the law. This was a development that could not have been foreseen in 1700, let alone a hundred years earlier, for it overturned some of the longest-established moral and legal principles in English history. Until the later nineteenth century there […]
Didn’t men oppress women by developing male-only clubs?
Both sexes had single-sex clubs in the area of that sex’s responsibility. Arc Power, Patriarchy. Dominance, and Sexism Actually Code Words? 65 Female-only clubs All known societies are ruled by men, who control and profit by women’s reproductive capabilities. Encyclopedia of Feminism*7 In most cultures the birthing process was a female-only club. Men were completely […]
Towards a Practice-based Theory
In the final analysis, categoricalism can recognize power but deletes from its analysis the element of practical politics: choice, doubt, strategy, planning, error and transformation. The ‘battle of the sexes’ comedy in traditional popular culture is a vision of sexual politics with just this kind of deletion. From one year to the next husbands err, […]
From lists of best-selling nonfiction books in Japan and the United States, we selected fifteen Japanese and twenty-eight American books that by title, cover, and table of contents are directly addressed to women or to social issues of direct concern to women. We chose best-sellers in hardcover or paperback, trade and mass market, for the […]
From lists of best-selling nonfiction books in Japan and the United States, we selected fifteen Japanese and twenty-eight American books that by title, cover, and table of contents are directly addressed to women or to social issues of direct concern to women. We chose best-sellers in hardcover or paperback, trade and mass market, for the […]
If females were so valued, why did mothers kill baby girls and not baby boys?
Parents — and especially single mothers — sometimes killed female infants but not males. Why not? When starvation threatened, families had more need for boys to plow fields and produce food than for girls to produce more children who would consume more food. If boys were needed for war, the society sometimes disposed of the […]