День: 12.09.2015


Did men treat women as property? It is only the understanding that men’s lives were subservient to property that allows us to reconcile women’s combined status as equal to property and on a pedestal. When we hear that men treated women as property, we rarely hear that men were expected to die before their property […]


The Prostate Cancer Dilemma Roughly the size of a walnut and weighing about an ounce, the prostate gland is an unlikely candidate to create a major medical controversy. The prostate is located in front of the rectum and below the bladder and wraps around the urethra (the tube carrying urine out through the penis). Its […]

Coming to Terms at Full Term

natalie kertes weaver On my way back to my office the other day, I ran into a colleague accom­panied by her son, a handsome, six-foot-tall high school senior. She smiled at me and said, “Mine was the size of yours just a blink ago.” “A blink?” I inquired. “One blink,” she nodded. I grinned in […]

Conclusion: A New Vision

The liminal state is a period of shifting back and forth between remaining in search of a partner and moving forward to having a baby, bypassing marriage.7 Women are stuck and can’t easily figure out what to do. For many, the liminal state is about being caught between competing visions: their parents’ married lives versus […]

Common Chronic Conditions

What are the most common chronic conditions experienced by older adults? Arthritis and various forms of cardiovascular disease are the most preva­lent (National Center for Health Statistics, 2008b). Four others are also extremely important: diabetes, cancer, incontinence, and stress. Arthritis. We saw in Chapter 3 that osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis afflict many adults. It is […]

Categorical Theory

Accounts of gender that do give a major place to power and conflicts of interest have generally expressed this awareness through a particular form of theory. It has no familiar name, partly because its logic cuts across such familiar divides as the conflict between cultural feminism and socialist feminism. I will call the approach ‘categorical’. […]