День: 14.09.2015

Civil partnerships and marriages

Overall, the personal stories generated by our study highlight how, in practice, civil partnership can be understood as a form of marriage. Despite the fact that civil partnership is technically distinct from mar­riage, the majority of partners viewed themselves as married and had taken to ‘marriage’ like ducks to water. Of the 100 partners, 74 […]


Feminism, sexuality and textuality: Derrida, ‘differance’ anddeconstruction Feminist theory in the 1970s was strongly influenced by psychoanalytic models of sexuality and subjectivity, which were in turn influenced by Freud’s work and by the French psychoanalytic theoristJacques Lacan. As Weedon notes, many feminists have attempted to make psychoanalytic theory the key to understanding the acquisition of […]


The most corrosive idea of all was that unchastity was not always harmful or wrong. As we have seen, this was an age-old challenge to the enforcement of sexual discipline. Yet throughout the middle ages and the Renaissance, sexual freedom had been only weakly and implicitly defended. Most of the time it had been advanced […]

Transcendence and Negation

To speak of‘transcendence’ is to imply the production of something qualitatively different. The social is radically unnatural. (‘Non — natural’ might be a more neutral term but I think the stronger overtones are correct.) Its structure can never be deduced from natural structures. What undergoes transformation is genuinely trans-formed. But this unnaturalness does not mean […]


Two demographic trends will create the potential for significant worldwide change over the next few decades. First, increasing longevity in developed countries will result in more older adults. Second, the size of various generations will either exacerbate or lessen this problem. That is, the large baby-boom generation, combined with increased longevity, will make the issue […]

The sexual consumer

The structure of the industry in Europe is changing in order to maximize competitive economic pressures and to reduce state regulation of content. At the same time, ratings and market research have become the legitimizing technologies through which to evaluate the ‘quality’ of programming, just as they have been in the USA from the start. […]