День: 14.09.2015

The Departure

The idea that families can be created by women alone may not seem revolution­ary, but it changed the worlds of the women I interviewed, allowing them to imagine families crafted in new ways as both legitimate and valuable. Leaving the liminal state, these women claimed the right to motherhood because it represented a promise of […]


Because the theory and practice of sexual and of religious discipline had traditionally been so closely intertwined, the growth of religious liberty in the later seventeenth century raised obvious questions about moral liberty. To most observers, however, this was a deeply unwanted devel­opment. Indeed, the orthodox view amongst advocates of toleration was that freedom of […]


A restless vitality wells up as we approach thirty. — Gail Sheehy Measuring experience against a normative model set up by doctors, people will be as troubled by departures from the norm as they are troubled by [Gail Sheehy’s] “predictable crises" themselves, against which medical norms are intended to provide reassurance. — Christopher Lasch Since […]

Relationships, Partnerships and Marriages

In our study of young same-sex partners in formalised relationships, we partly set out to explore the ways in which the partners conceived and practised their relationships as ‘like’ and/or ‘unlike’ marriage. In light of the findings of previous studies of same-sex relationships, and some of own research on previous generational experiences, we were taken […]

Rough Cuts: Documentary Film

This complicated story has attracted considerable attention from journalists and documentary filmmakers over the years. There have been several films made on or relating to this subject, including Juarez, The City of Dead Women (1998); Maquila: A Tale of Two Mexicos (2000); City of Dreams (2001); and Senorita Extraviada: Missing Young Woman (2001).5 In keeping […]

I had never thought of the war on drugs as another virtually all-male war. The saving professions

Complete these sentences with your first, gut-level thought: ► Shortly after they heard the alarm, a crew of_____________ rescued some women from a blazing apartment. ► Two——— attacked a woman jogger in Central Park. Most people think of the woman as being saved by "firemen" or "fire fighters." It is now considered sexist for TV […]