… 1 think women are too valuable to be in combat. Caspar Weinberger, US. Secretary of Defense (under Reagan/* It is not appropriate for women to engage in combat… to be captured or to be shot, as opposed to pushing a button someplace in a missile silo. Sandra Day O’Connor, Supreme Court Justices Men get […]
День: 15.09.2015
Traditional responses to rape
Within traditional Somali society it is the duty of a woman’s family to protect her honour and status. In cases of sexual assault or abuse her family or clansmen are charged with seeking redress. The social ramifications of the assault, and thus the type and amount of compensation sought, vary according to the woman’s marital […]
Failure to Progress
What Having a Baby Taught Me about Aristotle, Advanced Degrees, Developmental Delays, and Other Natural Disasters irena auerbuch smith Jordan was conceived shortly before the 1994 Northridge earthquake, and I always wondered afterward if our first crack at conceiving a child literally caused the earth to move. The earthquake hit at 4:30 a. m. on […]