Remember how we proteaed our children before we respected their ability to protea themselves? The ability to protea generates respea. But the process of proteaing comes by coping with the shadow side of the world. And with that coping comes a loss of innocence. When the man who has mastered protecting meets the innocent woman, […]
День: 17.09.2015
When I was in boarding school we had a housemother named Miss Mallon. She was sofanatically religious she would tell children that their parents would go to hell. Because of this and other things, she was fired. All the girls in my dorm cried and carried on when they heard the news. I was supposed […]
How Do People Respondto Patronizing Speech? Who were the investigators, and what was the aim of the study? Older adults who live in nursing homes face many difficulties with the way people talk to (or about) them. The concept of patronizing speech, discussed in the text, captures the essence of the problem. Ryan and colleagues […]
Communicating with Residents
Have you ever been to a nursing home? If so, one of the things you may have found difficult is talking with the residents, especially when interacting with residents who are cognitively impaired. Unfortunately, this uneasiness often results in people relying on stereotypes of older adults in general and nursing home residents in particular in […]
The impact of Lacanian psychoanalytic theory and Derrida’s theory. of deconstruction on French feminism
Weedon claims that French feminists have taken one of two approaches when attempting to make psychoanalytic theory the key to understanding the acquisition of gendered subjectivity. They have either accepted the terms of Freudian discourse, or advocated ‘psychoanalytic theory as a way of understanding the structures of masculinity and femininity, under patriarchy, together with the […]
Can a Nursing Home Be a Home?
One key aspect of nursing homes has been largely overlooked: To what extent do residents consider a nursing home to be home? This gets to the heart of what makes people feel that the place in which they live is more than just a dwelling. On the surface, it appears that nursing homes are full […]
Special Care Units
Most residents of nursing homes have cognitive impairment, and the majority of those individuals have dementia. Providing a supportive environment for people with moderate to severe dementia requires certain specialized design andintervention features. This need has resulted in the development of special care units in many nursing homes. Well-designed special care units for people with […]
Bell hooks: Pain as Catalyst and Conduit
So far, we might tentatively conclude that Derrida and Marks are attempting to unsettle whatever established ideas we might have held about the nature of truth, the transparency of linguistic and documentary forms of communication, the political nature of discourses and other forms of representation, and advocate for ways in which we might “trouble” these […]
Beginning with Harlon Dalton, the authors in Part II explore the antiracist construction of Black racial victimhood. Dalton suggests that the Black community’s prioritization of race over gender or sexual identity is disturbing because it asks individuals to forsake important parts of their identity and suffer injustices in silence in order to remain authentically Black. […]
Characteristics of Nursing Homes
Nursing homes vary a great deal in the amount and quality of care they provide. One useful way of evaluating them is by applying the competence — environmental press model. When applied to nursing homes, the goal is to find the optimal level of environmental support for people who have relatively low levels of competence. […]