День: 18.09.2015

Delphy and Leonard (1992: 266)

For Delphy and Leonard, the point is that ‘marriage is a relationship between men and women who because they are men and women do different things; who because they do different things are unequal; and who because they are unequal are seen as different sorts of human being (one more human than the other)’ (ibid). […]

Helene Cixous: and ecriture feminine

Cixous founded Women’s Studies at the University of Vincennes in 1975 and is a keen proponent of ‘feminine writing’—texts which subvert dominant phallogocentric logic. She criticises Freudian psychoanalysis for its thesis of a ‘natural’ anatomical determination of sexual difference, but endorses Freud’s belief in the bisexual nature of all individuals. Rowley and Grosz (1990:198) note […]

Feeding the Market

What Schumpeter’s analysis failed to detect was that the dete­rioration of traditional family life in many ways nurtures the market economy (at least once the engines of capitalist pro­ductivity were primed). Along with the decline in marriage, increasing levels of cohabitation, and the rise in childlessness, by the dawn of the twenty-first century the traditional […]

Feeding the Market

What Schumpeter’s analysis failed to detect was that the dete­rioration of traditional family life in many ways nurtures the market economy (at least once the engines of capitalist pro­ductivity were primed). Along with the decline in marriage, increasing levels of cohabitation, and the rise in childlessness, by the dawn of the twenty-first century the traditional […]


The sexual division of labour at its simplest is an allocation of particular types of work to particular categories of people. It is a social structure to the extent that this allocation becomes a constraint on further practice. This happens in several interrelated ways. First, the prior division of work among people becomes a social […]