For Delphy and Leonard, the point is that ‘marriage is a relationship between men and women who because they are men and women do different things; who because they do different things are unequal; and who because they are unequal are seen as different sorts of human being (one more human than the other)’ (ibid). […]
День: 18.09.2015
Ordinariness, acceptance and difference
A striking feature of the stories of Hanna and Tammy, Kathryn and Louise and Fredrick and Tim is their confidence in their ordinariness. Hanna and Tammy’s story is of an ordinary relationship that is actively embedded in mundane practices linked to mutual family care, local commitments and supports for the couple. Their story is also […]
Helene Cixous: and ecriture feminine
Cixous founded Women’s Studies at the University of Vincennes in 1975 and is a keen proponent of ‘feminine writing’—texts which subvert dominant phallogocentric logic. She criticises Freudian psychoanalysis for its thesis of a ‘natural’ anatomical determination of sexual difference, but endorses Freud’s belief in the bisexual nature of all individuals. Rowley and Grosz (1990:198) note […]
One recurring theme in this chapter is the problem of financing health care interventions in later life for people in the United States. The Current Controversies feature raises several key points about the costs of nursing homes in the United States and the lack of ways to finance those costs. With the aging of the […]
Feeding the Market
What Schumpeter’s analysis failed to detect was that the deterioration of traditional family life in many ways nurtures the market economy (at least once the engines of capitalist productivity were primed). Along with the decline in marriage, increasing levels of cohabitation, and the rise in childlessness, by the dawn of the twenty-first century the traditional […]
Feeding the Market
What Schumpeter’s analysis failed to detect was that the deterioration of traditional family life in many ways nurtures the market economy (at least once the engines of capitalist productivity were primed). Along with the decline in marriage, increasing levels of cohabitation, and the rise in childlessness, by the dawn of the twenty-first century the traditional […]
The sexual division of labour at its simplest is an allocation of particular types of work to particular categories of people. It is a social structure to the extent that this allocation becomes a constraint on further practice. This happens in several interrelated ways. First, the prior division of work among people becomes a social […]
Editors’ note In May 1988 the SNM attacked and briefly captured Burao and Hargeisa, the two main towns in the north west. Siad Barre’s response was genocidal: days of aerial and ground bombardment of both towns by the Somali Armed Forces, backed up by South African mercenary pilots; the round-up and summary execution of hundreds […]
Historical Origins of Feminism
The title of this essay and of my book, “No Turning Back,” refers to the historical momentum that has propelled feminism, a word I use to describe broad efforts to achieve full political and economic citizenship for women.3 Feminist movements reject a political theory of patriarchy, which assumes that men should naturally have authority over […]