День: 19.09.2015

Processing Resources

Another alternative theoretical explanation for age — related changes in cognitive functioning focuses on why older adults have more problems performing more difficult tasks, or tasks on which they have little practice, simultaneously? Many theorists and researchers believe that with increasing age comes a decline in the amount of available processing resources, the amount of […]


oedipus/electra, the eternal triangle, the BROTHEL-BEHIND-THE-SCENES Let us look at race relations in America,* a macrocosm of the hierarchical relations within the nuclear family: The white man is father, the white woman wife-and-moth — er, her status dependent on his; the blacks, like children, are his property, their physical differentiation branding them the subservient class, […]

The Setting

Historically, public executions, especially the executions of women, were always a draw (Gatrell 1994). During the late 1800s and early 1900s the day of an exe­cution was considered a time for social gathering. Flyers were posted, invita­tions sent out, and discussions held about how to accommodate a multitude of dignitaries. It was considered fashionable to […]

Attentional Control

LEARNING OBJECTIVES • What is processing speed? What age differences are found? • What are the processing resources that underlie information processing? • What is inhibition loss? When are age differences found? • What are attentional resources? Under what conditions are age differences observed? • How do automatic and effortful processes differ? In what situations […]

Women as film-makers

Mayne (1994) maintains that the development of feminist film theory and criticism in the United States has been shaped by three major forces, all of which are, like feminist film theory, phenomena of the late 1960s and early 1970s. These include the women’s movement, independent film-making and academic film studies. She goes on to note […]

After Baby, Now What?

INTRODUCTION“Where Do We Fit?” By the time the ehild has trouble in life, you know, I’ll be dead. I’ll be long gone. By the time the kid’s out stealing cars, you know, Dad will be dead a few years. —David Letterman, late-night talk show host David Letterman used humor to shirk fatherhood’s responsibilities before his […]