День: 19.09.2015

The marriages we grew up with

One striking aspect of our participants’ relational biographies was the extent to which their parents’ approaches to relating and marriages featured as central influences. For example, Daniel (202a) linked his previous ‘abusive’ relating tendencies to his father’s; Robert (202b) artic­ulated his need to be in a relationship as one he had ‘inherited’ from his mother; […]

Information-Processing Model

The information-processing approach uses a com­puter metaphor to explain how people process stimuli. Just as with a computer, information enters the system (people’s brains) and is transformed, coded, and stored in various ways. Information enters storage temporarily, as in a computer’s buffer, until it is sometimes stored more permanently, as on a computer disk. At […]

Organising the necessary work

the question(s) of method(s) T he title of this chapter comes from a passage in which Kate Fansler describes how in academic life one is either ‘happily unorganised’, or ‘One kept up with it, organising the necessary work in a provocative way, one wanted to get it done’ (Cross, 1981: 119). Kate Fansler was referring […]


It has become a commonly held view, in contemporary film theory, that the simultaneous development of cinema and psychoanalysis at the end of the nineteenth century was not accidental. Mayne (1994:56) contends that the affinity between the two has been described in a variety of ways, ‘from cinema’s obsessive re­enactment of those oedipal crises theorized […]


There are commentators, mostly but not entirely men, who attribute to feminism as a social and ideological movement, and therefore partly to feminist sociologists, an enormous negative influence. Contemporary Sociology, the ASA’s journal of book reviews and review essays, carried five essays on the state of the discipline in the May 1999 issue, with the […]

Postmodern pornography

It has been argued that these distinctions in taste between high and low culture are no longer relevant as a result of the democratizing effects of the mass media. Brian McNair, for example, in his book Striptease Culture: Sex, Media and the Democratisa — tion of Desire (2002), has argued that in postmodern consumer culture […]

Warriors of peace

Men are likely to be not only the warriors of war but also the warriors of peace. Almost all those who risk their lives, are put in jail, or are killed for peace are men. While some of the peace warriors — Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Dag Hammarskjold — are remembered, most are […]