День: 21.09.2015

The State

Theoretical literature on the state is at the other pole from the family: almost no one has seen it as an institutionalization of gender. Even in feminist thought the state is only just coming into focus as a theoretical question. Yet reasons to address it are easy to find. The personnel of the state, as […]

Which Women?

In addition to revising its labor policies in the face of structural change, feminism has shifted other central agendas after confronting internal chal­lenges. Because the category “woman” is by no means universal but rather masks internal social hierarchies, conflicts among women of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds have repeatedly forced redefinitions of feminist politics. Those […]

Situation Models

Sometime in your educational career you probably had to read a rather lengthy novel for a literature class. Providing you opted for the book rather than the video or Cliff Notes version, you probably were surprised at how much different your recol­lections of the story were compared with those of your classmates. Many of these […]

Relating circumstances and ideals

One of the key themes to emerge in relational biographies is the dynamic nature of the circumstances in which partners relate and ‘do’ their relationships and marriages (see Chapter 2). Relational biographies also contained stories of how parents’ relationships and marriages had changed over time. Escalating conflict, abuse, alcoholism, affairs and the like could lead […]


We feel. We try to feel. We want to try to feel. The social guidelines that direct how we want to try to feel may be describable as a set of socially shared, albeit often latent (not thought about unless probed at), rules. In what way, we may ask, are these rules themselves known and […]


We feel. We try to feel. We want to try to feel. The social guidelines that direct how we want to try to feel may be describable as a set of socially shared, albeit often latent (not thought about unless probed at), rules. In what way, we may ask, are these rules themselves known and […]