День: 21.09.2015

Birth Narratives: Crafting a Father

In most of these women’s narratives, anonymous donors have not rejected their offspring but have instead given the mothers the most awesome gift of their lives. The anonymous donor is not the “bad dad” who walked out (e. g., divorced fathers or birth fathers), but a “good man” who helped the mother and child become […]

The Family

Conservative ideology speaks of the family as the ‘foundation of society’ and traditional sociology has often seen it as the simplest of institutions, the building-block of more elaborate structures. Far from being the basis of society, the family is one of its most complex products. There is nothing simple about it. The interior of the […]


How Do We Explain False Memories? Larry Jacoby (1999) asks the question: What causes the effect in the "I-told-you" claim? Does the claim create a false memory? From this perspective, exposure to misleading questions about an event can result in a permanent loss from memory of details of the actual experience (Loftus, 1975). In other […]

Why has boys’ rate of suicide been increasing so much more quickly than girls’ recently?

Girls are preparing for a world that increasingly allows them to be whatever they wish to be — homemakers, mothers, secretaries, executives. Girls can perform outside the home, nurture inside the home, or do some combina tion, depending on their personalities. Boys must still perform outside the home, no matter what their personalities. For some […]

Misinformation and Memory

The fact that older adults exhibit the false-fame effect to a greater degree than younger adults suggests that although familiarity is intact, conscious recollection is not, thus allowing familiarity to misinform the older adult’s performance. Two other recent areas of research have further explored older adults’ suscep­tibility to misinformation due to memory deficits: source memory […]


Seyla Benhabib (1992, 1994), in her essay ‘Feminism and the Question of Postmodernism’, maintains that ‘no other text has marked the contemporary discussion concerning the complex cultural, intellectual, artistic, social and political phenomena which we have come to designate as “postmodernism” as much as Jean Francois Lyotard’s (1984) short treatise on The Postmodern Condition: A […]