The main impediment to a feminist consideration of the case of Karla Homolka proceeds from the unpalatable suggestion that she may have enjoyed her crimes. This distaste does not result from her transgressions of the stereotypes of good wife and woman, as these are rarely problematic in feminist legal or cultural studies theory. However, for […]
День: 22.09.2015
ACORD’s report has more sympathy for the men’s case
When they lost access to their farms and livestock the affected men were unable to meet expectations of providing for their families, thereby losing their sense of worth as men. It is part of the strategy of war, whereby one patriarchy attacks the worth of the other. (ACORD 2001: 30) Whilst some men are taking […]
The first development was a growing presumption that men were inevitably rapacious. The idea that they might have strong sexual urges was, of course, not new. It was a commonplace of Christian doctrine that lust was an elemental drive, part of the fallen nature of both sexes. The rape and seduction of women had therefore […]
Why is the suicide class the successful class?
The suicide class is 91 percent white,2′ usually well educated, and at least middle class. They are the success class. Or at least they were — until they last their job or their savings. But why suicide when I’ve been saying it’s feeling not loved or needed that ‘s the catalyst? Because the men who […]
The Role of Memory Self-Efficacy
Belief in one’s ability to accomplish things is a pervasive theme in literature, religion, psychotherapy, and many other diverse arenas (Berry, 1999; Cavanaugh & Green, 1990). As it applies to memory, belief in oneself is referred to as memory self-efficacy; it is the belief that one will be able to perform a specific task. This […]
Why do women attempt suicide more often than men?
Why is a woman three times more likely than a man to attempt suicide? We often hear it is because she wants attention, but that doesn’t leave us with an understanding of what she wants the attention to accomplish: she wants to become the priority of those she loves rather than always prioritizing them. She […]
Do women refuse to commit suicide because it is a selfish act?
ITEM Jimmy Stewart s film character considers kilng himself for his $5,000 insurance policy for his wife. The film is called It’s a Wonderful Life. (Wonder what he would do if it were a homble life!) ITEM When the farming crisis led to foreclosures and bankruptcies in the upper midwestem states in the early 1980s. […]
Age Differences in Metamemory
Researchers have explored age differences in metamemory mainly by using questionnaires (see Berry, 1999; Hertzog & Hultsch, 2000 for reviews). Many questionnaires have been developed over the years. Some of them, such as the Metamemory in Adulthood questionnaire (Dixon, Hultsch, & Hertzog, 1988) and the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (Gilewski, Zelinski, & Schaie, 1990), tap several […]
Aspects of Memory Self-Evaluations
Researchers of memory self-evaluation have focused primarily on two types of awareness about memory. The first type involves knowledge about how memory works and what we believe to be true about it; this type of self-evaluation is referred to as metamemory. For instance, we may know that recall is typically harder than recognition, that memory […]
The Street
The street is not often thought of as an institution. It is something we walk and drive along, or that chickens cross. Yet a famous sociological text is called, with only mild irony, Street Corner Society, and we speak of ‘street-wise’ kids. It is at least a definite social milieu, with particular social relations. A […]