On their arrival in Canada women have to retain their own lawyer, attend numerous interviews with the authorities, write a coherent statement regarding why she should be considered a refugee and convince an immigration officer and the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada that she has a legitimate claim. When making a refugee claim in […]
День: 23.09.2015
Somalis in Canada
Somalis first entered Canada in 1988 after the destruction of north western Somalia, and in larger numbers in 1991 after the outbreak of civil war in the southern part of the country. The majority of refugees originally arrived in the United States and, after long and harsh cross-examinations, received refugee status in Canada. The growing […]
Domestic Conflict in. the Diaspora — Somali Women. Asylum Seekers and Refugees. in Canada
Ladan Affi Traditionally Canada has welcomed immigrants and refugees from around the world, particularly those of European heritage. Although the percentage of immigrants to Canada has remained relatively steady since the Second World War, their cultural backgrounds have not. Figures published by Statistics Canada reveal that the ethnic diversity of new Canadians has increased dramatically […]
Other Offspring
Women usually purchase enough vials of sperm for six months’ worth of attempts. Earlier, other women may have purchased this same donor’s sperm, and additional vials may be purchased by a third or a fourth woman, or even more. When Abby chose donor 180, the line that read “other children” did not factor into her […]
Age Differences in Memory Monitoring
Memory monitoring involves knowing what you are doing mentally right now. The most popular way researchers study memory monitoring is by having people predict how well they will do on a memory task. One variation of this technique requires that people predict how well they will do before they get a chance to see the […]
Why forced early retirement can lead men to suicide and depression
When a man is forced into early retirement, he is often being "given up for a younger man.” Being forced into early’ retirement can be to a man what being "given up for a young woman" is for a woman. When that is compounded by forced unemployment, feeling to men like rape feels to a […]
The historical formation of taste means that generic conventions constrain the production and consumption of sexual representations in ways that cannot quickly be undone. Nevertheless, I would argue that we do need to recognize, and challenge, the limitations in what is currently legitimate for circulating on television. ‘Soft core’ restrictions such as the exclusion of […]
As much as any single figure could, Stoller put the distinction between sex and gender on the map for writers and researchers in the humanities and the social sciences. But if his basic ideas quickly became commonplace, they were also soon being used in ways that he could not have anticipated. With the tremendous revival […]
Is unemployment to a man the psychological equivalent of rape to a woman?
What do you call a Texas oilman?. . . Oh, waiter! JayLeno, "Tonight" show ITEM Once upon a time a woman met a taking frog. The frog said it was under a wicked speB… it was really a Texas oilman. “If you’ll kiss me. youH break the spell.” the frog explained. "Then I’ll love you […]
College Completion Rates
In 1975, 6 percent of African American males over age twenty — five and 5 percent of African American females had completed 4 or more years of college. By 1992, 12.2 percent of Black men and 11.8 percent of Black women ages twenty-five to thirty-four years old had completed the bachelor’s or a higher degree. […]