День: 26.09.2015

Problem Solving

One of the most important ways in which people use their intellectual abilities is to solve problems. Think for a minute about everyday life and the number of problem-solving situations one encoun­ters in school, on the job, in relationships, driving a car, and so forth. Each of these settings requires one to analyze complex situations […]

Decision Making

A cursory look at the decision making literature initially suggests that older adults demonstrate less effective decision making when the decision­making situation is novel and unfamiliar to them (Chasseigne et al., 1997; Finucane et al., 2002; Mutter & Pliske, 1994; Sanfey & Hastie, 2000). Forexample, older adults have difficulty in deciding how water temperature is […]

Chancing Pregnancy

Clearly, marriage does not a mother or father make. Women in this chapter who chance pregnancy by using inconsistent contraception believe, however, that if it does not take a marriage to become a mom, the same logic should apply to the fathers of their children. The cultural climate has changed, and children, not marriage, determine […]


Father Involvement Outside of Marriage Ellen Hammond I spent my twenties bouncing around Europe. I met someone, got married in Amsterdam, and just in time for my twenty-third birthday, I got pregnant. I wasn’t ready to be a mom at that point, to tell you the truth… so I, we, aborted the pregnancy. Two years […]

Writing up and publishing findings

There are four intertwined issues here: (1) where a research team had gathered data on both sexes; (2) did they publish all these data?; (3) how authors set about describing male and female subjects in their texts; and (4) which results they highlighted in their publications, and which of their respondents they believed and therefore […]

Discovery Channel

A market governed by co-productions and by the competitive pressure to capture large and diverse audiences to justify high budgets has led to generic innovation in wildlife programmes during the latter part of the 1990s. In the same way as the rest of tele­vision’s documentary output, the discourses of sobriety that have dominated wildlife programming […]


Between the extremes of flight attendant and bill collector lie many jobs that call for emotional labor. Jobs of this type have three characteristics in common. First, they require face-to-face or voice-to-voice contact with the public. Sec­ond, they require the worker to produce an emotional state in another person —gratitude or fear, for example. Third, […]