LEARNING OBJECTIVES • How do goals influence the way we process information, and how does this change with age? • How do emotions influence the way we process information, and how does this change with age? • How does a need for closure influence the way we process information, and how does it change with […]
День: 28.09.2015
Age Differences in Adjusting. Social Judgments
Who was the investigator and what was the aim of the study? Yiwei Chen and Fredda Blanchard-Fields (1997) tested the idea that processing resource limitations accounted for the dispositional bias typically observed in older adults. Does older adults’ limited resource capacity prevent them from adjusting initial dispositional biases? In addition, would older adults engage in […]
The Sexual Diversion
The Black Man/Black Woman Debate in Context Derrick Bell RAYFORD LOGAN, the great black historian, called the period at the turn of the last century the nadir for black people. Hundreds of blacks were lynched, thousands were victims of racist violence and intimidation, and literally millions were exploited on farms and at mostly menial labor […]
The men who wouldn’t protect her: the gay man
The ostracism incurred for being a gay man runs deeper than it does for being black or Indian. Black men and Indian men who could not provide adequate proteaion for women at least wanted to protea women — they just didn’t do it well enough. Gays, though, weren’t even trying to take care of women. […]
Making it real
Berger and Kellner (1964: 9) note that in marrying, partners embark ‘on the often difficult task of constructing for themselves the little world in which they will live’. The fact that most of the younger same-sex partners had already begun this task before entry into civil partnership in part undermines the ‘cataclysmic connotation’ (ibid) that […]
Psychic Income of Motherhood
To the extent that women’s decisions about developing and investing their human capital are influenced by rational calculations of costs and benefits that seek, as economists put it, to maximize “utility”—sometimes referred to as happiness or selfinterest—why would they ever choose to have children? A ridiculous question, some would say. But consider for a moment […]
Psychic Income of Motherhood
To the extent that women’s decisions about developing and investing their human capital are influenced by rational calculations of costs and benefits that seek, as economists put it, to maximize “utility”—sometimes referred to as happiness or selfinterest—why would they ever choose to have children? A ridiculous question, some would say. But consider for a moment […]
What happens when men “just say no” to providing a financial womb?
ITEM Black men. Indian men. and gay men have the toughest time among American males. And they all have something in common: they do not provide an economic security blanket for women. Thm men who couldn’t protect her: the block and American Indian man Indian men could not adequately protect their food, water, and land […]
Male hysteria
Since 1980 there have been male responses to feminist methodology that have been hysterical. James Davis’s (1994) attack using the offensive metaphor of germs and infections is entirely hysterical in tone. Of course, not all men have been opposed to feminist methods, methodology or epistemology as the work by, for example, McLennan (1985), Holmwood (1985) […]
Constructions of sexual difference
In addition to the focus on women’s reproduction, there has been a preoccupation in the biological and medical sciences with the question of sexual difference. In medical textbooks prior to the nineteenth century, drawings of male and female anatomy, based on the dissection of dead bodies, had emphasized the degree to which women’s sexual organs […]