A major controversial issue in the cognitive aging literature is whether living in a society that equates old age with memory decline, senility, and dependency produces what Langer (1989) calls a "premature cognitive commitment" early in life. As children we acquire ideas of what it means to be old, usually negative, and these stereotypes guide […]
День: 30.09.2015
Violence against Whom?
ITEM For every woman who is murdered, three men are murdered.1 ITEM With the exception of rape, the more violent the cnme. the more likely the victim is a man.2 ITEM Males are the pnmary victims of all violent crimes except rape. These violent crimes (excluding rape) have increased by 36 percent3 Rape, the one […]
Donnas Gentile
A figure collects up the people; a figure embodies shared meanings that inhabit their audiences. (Haraway 1997, 23) The commitment involved in parrhesia is linked to a certain social situation, to a difference of status between the speaker and her audience, to the fact that the parrhesiastes says something which is dangerous to herself and […]
The Orange Kangaroo
Nicole Cooley and JULIA SPICHER KASDORF Utopia la. An ideally perfect place, especially in its social,political, and moral aspects.[6] Nicole I had driven by the building several times, intrigued. At home, I looked it up online: “The Orange Kangaroo, Children’s Art Studio and Cafe, Opening Soon!” And I was one of the first customers, with […]
Crisis Tendencies
The ‘crisis of the family’ has not ushered in Armageddon, despite the confident predictions made a decade ago. Indeed with the current conservative ascendancy in Western politics it is easy to feel that the cultural and sexual radicalism of the 1960s and 1970s has gone for nothing. Yet rhetoric about threats to the family and […]
There are two versions of the events in Chicago after 1920. In the dominant, male, version of the story, three men of great perspicacity — Faris, Park, and Burgess — inherited the department, purified it, and created a recognisably modern sociology there. In other words, they separated academic sociology as an objective, scientific discipline from […]
Money, Couples and the Self
A key part of our enquiry into the lives of young same-sex couples focused on the question of money management. In this chapter we explore whether practices and meanings of money appear to be different to understandings derived from studies of heterosexual relationships. The question of money management has been a significant one in studies […]
Abbott (1999: 24) contrasts the ‘profound’ impact that the literatures on urban issues and on ‘race-ethnicity’ have had on the history of Chicago sociology with the lack of impact made by encounters with feminism. In the main part of this chapter it is that lack of impact that I am going toaddress. Noticeably, Abbott himself […]
The arguments for and against polygamy were evidently already being widely discussed around 1700, in sermons, conversations, and private writings, as well as in print.1 In her best-selling New Atalantis (1709), Delarivier Manley included several passages based on both her own marriage to a bigamist (from whom she soon parted), and the menage of William […]
Stereotype Threat
Another important question to ask is whether implicit negative stereotypes of aging influence the cognitive functioning of older adults. This possibility is raised in the context of widely cited social psychological research on stereotype threat. Claude Steele and colleagues have conducted a number of studies suggesting that stigmatized groups such as African Americans and women […]