Месяц: Сентябрь 2015

Crisis or Opportunity? Somali. Women Traders and the War

Amina Mohamoud Warsame Somali women, both in rural and in urban settings, contribute sub­stantially to their country’s subsistence economy. During periodic droughts, famine and conflicts over resources Somali women take active responsibility for the survival of their families. When faced with economic crisis — whether at a personal level or at the wider societal level […]

Social Cognition

8.1 SOCIAL JUDGMENT PROCESSES Impression Formation • Knowledge Accessibility and Social Judgments ‘ Explanation for Age Differences in Social Judgments 8.2 SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE STRUCTURES AND BELIEFS Understanding Age Differences in Social Beliefs 8.3 SOCIAL JUDGMENTS AND CAUSAL ATTRIBUTIONS Attributional Biases • How Do We Know? Age Differences in Adjusting Social Judgments 8.4 MOTIVATION AND SOCIAL […]


In the section on training, evidence suggests that a cognitively enriched lifestyle can positively influence intellectual change as we grow older. This suggests that there is promise in develop­ing long-term cognitive enrichment programs to reduce morbidity and dependence in older adults. For example, it may be the case that we can defer the need for […]


Contemporary debates within feminist theorising have been reflected within the academy through the medium of Women’s Studies. Yeatman (1994:42) observes that the position of Women’s Studies within ‘the contemporary university has to do with making institutionalized knowledge accountable and responsive to contemporary politico-ethical challenges’. As such, it is ‘the site of a radical critique of […]

The Cat’s Cradle: Paternal Kin

Mothers who chance pregnancy often expect that they and their children will become part of their children’s father’s extended kin networks, setting them apart from the other women in this study. Similarly, the father’s kin frequently claim these children (and, in doing so, their mothers) as part of the traditional kinship system, which remains problematic […]


The French feminists maintain that it is a masculine rationality which has always privileged reason, order, and unity, and that it has done so by excluding and silencing the irrationality, chaos and fragmentation which they argue has come to represent femininity. Kristeva therefore refuses to define ‘woman’, as she maintains ‘To believe that one “is […]