The court is a tool available to women who chance pregnancy, but how they use that tool varies. Most women prioritize the emotional relationship between father and child over financial support—if they can afford it—and use (or more often avoid) the courts to that end.6 Women generally try to avoid court-ordered child support, preferring voluntary […]
Месяц: Сентябрь 2015
Women and Murder in the. Televirtuality Film
JACK BOOZER [ 8 ] Communication media dominate contemporary American life and have increasingly been recognized as constituting the most central issue in Western thought and culture. The power and influence of this media world have also been reflected in cinema, including an entire cycle of Hollywood products released between 1995 and 2000, which I […]
Changing attitudes to prostitution were only the tip of a much larger, growing concern about seduction. The basis for this was a newly dominant conception of men as inherently selfish and deceitful in love. Many of its most articulate exponents were themselves male — but the crucial reason for its increasing prominence was the rise […]
Wasn’t the lack of research on the pill an example of not caring about women?
When birth control pills were available in Europe but not in the United States, American women created an uproar about how the unwillingness to make the pill available showed a contempt for the lives of women who might die in childbirth or via abortions. But when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released birth control […]
At the same time as Women’s Studies was emerging from the Women’s Movement in the US and the UK in the 1960s and early 1970s, the feminist movement in Europe and particularly France was being influenced by debates emerging from the strong tradition of psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic theory and poststructuralism (see Chapter 4). Toril Moi (1985a) […]
The politics of the breast versus the politics of the prostate
Why does breast cancer receive over 600 percent more funding than prostate cancer despite men being almost as likely to die from prostate cancer? Is it possible that we pretty much know what we need to know about prostate problems? Let’s look. ITEM In the 1920s. a new operation for enlarged prostates replaced an old […]
We began this chapter with a description of the wisdom of the Dalai Lama. Similarly, a number of folktales recount the wisdom of older characters. For example, caught in a no-win situation with his son-in-law, an old alchemist comes up with an insightful and clever solution on how to turn base elements (dirt) into gold. […]
Doesn’t medical research neglect women?
The belief that sexism has led to a focus on men’s health at the expense of women’s has led both the federal government and private industry to focus on women’s health at the expense of men’s. Thus the government has recently established an Office of Research on Women’s Health but no Office of Research on […]
The black male: not-so-benign neglect
The only group that can expea to live shorter lives in 1990 than in 1980 is black men 32 Why? For starters, it is black men who experience the greatest gap between the Stage I expectation to survive by being a physical slave and the Stage II need to be a master of technology. Thus […]
“I Am Awake in the Place Where Women Die”:. Violent Death in the Art of Abigail Lane. and Jenny Holzer LISA COULTHARD
[ 7 ] In a commentary written for the art exhibit Scene of the Crime, Ralph Rugoff highlights what he sees in contemporary art as a fascination with violence and crime and, in particular, with the residues and traces that define the forensic scene of violent crime. Blood stains, bodies, and the debris of violence […]