While Berger and Kellner’s idea that marriage is a transition where ‘two strangers come together and redefine themselves’ may once have seemed unproblematic, today, when it is common for couples to have lived together (often for a relatively long time) before marriage, this statement seems rather antiquated. Marriage nowadays can involve couples who have a […]
Месяц: Сентябрь 2015
Love, power and order
In their classic essay on marriage in modern Western societies, Berger and Kellner (1964) link marriage to ontological or biographical order, stating that it creates for the individual a ‘sort of order’ in which they ‘can experience his life as making sense’ (1964: 1). They suggest that individuals invest in the ‘private world’ because of […]
Feminism, cultural difference and the culturalpolitics of the academy INTRODUCTION Feminism and postmodernism are recognised as two leading intellectual critiques of ‘epistemological foundationalism’ emerging from the liberal humanism of the Western Enlightenment which has framed academic culture’s modernist discourse. However, it is apparent that there is an overwhelming monopolisation of these debates by male theorists […]
Overlapping and shifting strategies have recurred throughout this historical survey. Feminists who once concentrated on liberal demands for women’s access to male jobs now call for men to share the valuable labor of caregiving. Another case of political adaptation can be found in the realm of reproductive rights. In the United States, the language employed […]
such as those strongly related to fluid intelligence (Bosman & Charness, 1996; Dixon & Backman, 1995; Kramer & Willis, 2002; Masunaga & Horn, 2001; Morrow et al., 2003). In other words, older adults may be compensating for underlying decline by relying more on their experience. Notice that the different developmental trajectories for expertise and basic […]
Who were the investigators and what was the aim of the study? Fredda Blanchard-Fields, Heather Jahnke, and Cameron Camp (1995) were interested in the link between practical problem solving and post-formal thinking. This is especially true when problems that have an emotional aspect are examined. As they point out, most of the research on practical […]
The problem for both feminist and post-colonial intellectuals is, given this position, how the charge of relativism can be challenged. For critics like McLennan (1992a), as McRobbie notes, relativism is the issue. He raises the question of whether cultural relativism leads to cognitive relativism, encouraging indifference. McRobbie takes issue with McLennan’s conclusions and follows Yeatman […]
For all her bold exploration of gender in her science fiction LeGuin in Left Hand of Darkness is surprisingly phobic about the possibilities of same sex attraction, or even something more biologically complicated that her fictional Gethenians represent. Yet as we have seen the interwar period provided a fertile ground for women writers like Hall, […]
The Role of Emotionality in Solving. Real-Life Problems
Science as Cinema: Technologies of Violence
Unfortunately, it is very difficult today for the public to gain access to this tribute to Galileo, which is housed apart from the collection of zoological models (including the anatomical wax models housed one story above). The anatomical display of La Specola has always been open to all classes of the public (as long as […]