Месяц: Сентябрь 2015

Writing up and publishing findings

There are four intertwined issues here: (1) where a research team had gathered data on both sexes; (2) did they publish all these data?; (3) how authors set about describing male and female subjects in their texts; and (4) which results they highlighted in their publications, and which of their respondents they believed and therefore […]

Discovery Channel

A market governed by co-productions and by the competitive pressure to capture large and diverse audiences to justify high budgets has led to generic innovation in wildlife programmes during the latter part of the 1990s. In the same way as the rest of tele­vision’s documentary output, the discourses of sobriety that have dominated wildlife programming […]


Between the extremes of flight attendant and bill collector lie many jobs that call for emotional labor. Jobs of this type have three characteristics in common. First, they require face-to-face or voice-to-voice contact with the public. Sec­ond, they require the worker to produce an emotional state in another person —gratitude or fear, for example. Third, […]


In thinking beyond femininity in its past and present incarnations, both theorists and imaginative writers have invented narratives in which feminine abjection can be transformed, displaced or otherwise evaded. One strategy, as we have seen, is to look to the past: when Бготё chooses to have the child Jane Eyre align her resistant and angry […]


Even as mothers affirm some important ties—most prominently, kinship by blood—they undermine others by separating reproduction from marriage, inter­course, and love. The intimate accounts of these women afford glimpses into how these mothers and their children experience the contested terrain over family life, namely, the power of a two-parent ideology. In part motivated by a […]

The technoscientific gaze: a critique

There is a perceived tension between the detached, objective pursuit of knowledge about the world in ‘quality’ science programmes and the popular appeal of emotion, drama and storytelling. Yet this dichotomy is not as clear-cut as it might at first appear to be. I will be arguing here that science is not as ‘disinterested’ or […]


Science and wildlife documentaries occupy a pinnacle of respect in the rhetoric of public service broadcasting. They exemplify the epitome of ‘quality’ factual television in contrast to the docusoaps that dominated the schedules in the latter half of the 1990s. Although associated in the UK with the public service ethos of the BBC and the […]