Sensationalist moral discourses dominate the tabloids’ approach to celebrity scandals and emerge on television in the more popular styles of factual programming, such as daytime talk shows or primetime news and current affairs programmes, in which the intermittent potential for scandal afforded by celebrities is supplemented by the exposure of ordinary people’s deviant behaviour. The […]
Месяц: Сентябрь 2015
When Judge Clarence Thomas called the Judiciary Committee’s inquiry into Professor Anita Hill’s charges of sexual harassment a "high-tech lynching of an uppity black man," declaring himself the victim of "racial attitudes about black men and their views of sex," he invoked the most vivid symbol of racial oppression, the lynch mob.23 Thomas spoke to […]
Qualitative Differences in Adults’ Thinking
LEARNING OBJECTIVES • What are the main points in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development? • What evidence is there for continued cognitive development beyond formal operations? • What is the role of both emotion and cognition in cognitive maturity? E ddie, a student at a local university, thought the test he had just taken in […]
A person is usually grateful to receive a gift* But what is a gift? The question has two answers. In the conventional sense, a gift is an object or service freely given, even if it’s expected—a Christmas present, for example. But in the emotional sense on which I focus here a gift must seem extra—something […]
A person is usually grateful to receive a gift* But what is a gift? The question has two answers. In the conventional sense, a gift is an object or service freely given, even if it’s expected—a Christmas present, for example. But in the emotional sense on which I focus here a gift must seem extra—something […]
The industrialization factor
ITEM The more industrialized a society becomes, the more both sexes’ life expectancies increase. But industrialization increases women’s life expectancy roughly twice as much as men’s.7 In preindustrialized societies (e. g., Italy and Ireland in the nineteenth century), a gap of only one to two years between the life spans of women and men was […]
Jobs and Emotional Labor “Know Your Prices. Keep Smiling.” — Sign in back hall, Italian restaurant “Create Alarm." — Sign in back room, collection agency The corporate world has a toe and a heel, and each performs a different function: one delivers a service, the other collects payment for it. When an organization seeks to […]
Why Do Women Live Longer?
Is it biology? ITEM In Bangladesh today, men live longer than women. In Harlem today, women live longer than men. Correction. In Harlem, women live much longer than men.1 If botogy is the only variable, why these differences? What our life span tells us about who has the power When we learn that nonwhites have […]
Modifying Primary Abilities
As you have seen, older adults do not perform as well on tests of some primary abilities as younger adults, even after taking the moderators of performance into account (Schaie, 1995). In considering these results, investigators began asking whether there was a way to slow down or even reverse the declines. As we saw earlier, […]
Modelling Femininity in Modern Medical Science
Studies of contemporary visualizations of the human body in medicine, especially in the Visible Human Project, are relevant here (Cartwright 1998; Marchessault and Sawchuk 2000). Lisa Cartwright examines this digital representation of a male and a female body, fully dissectible and available online, in terms of the history of medical anatomical representation, and she concludes […]