During these years radical new images and representations of women were promoted in the newspaper and periodical press as a response to the potential opportunities that apparently lay before them to enlarge their social roles. An article in the first issue of Funu shibao (The Ladies Times)16 in 1911, for example, admiringly pointed to the […]
Месяц: Сентябрь 2015
"Tyson Verdict Sends a Message." These were the words that greeted me on the front of the sports section of my morning Los Angeles Times on February 11, 1992. The subhead read, "Some say conviction on rape charge shows athletes are not above the law."3 I suppose it was a headline I might have expected […]
The slowdown is a venerable tactic in the wars between industrial labor and management. Those whose work is to offer “personalized service” may also stage a slowdown, but in a necessarily different way. Since their job is to act upon a commercial stage, under managerial directors, their protest may take the form of rebelling against […]
The Big Picture: A Life-Span View
One thing is clear about the ways people view intelligence—everyone considers it a complex construct. In the big picture, then, intelligence consistsof many different types of skills. Theories of intelligence, therefore, are multidimensional; that is, they specify many domains of intellectual abilities. Although people disagree on the number of dimensions, they do agree that no […]
Defining Intelligence
LEARNING OBJECTIVES • How do people define intelligence in everyday life? • What are the major components of the life-span approach? • What are the major research approaches for studying intelligence? A fter Toni graduated from high school she decided to start her own pet-sitting business. She started small, but ultimately cornered the market in […]
A book on radical feminism that did not deal with love would be a political failure. For love, perhaps even more than childbearing, is the pivot of women’s oppression today. I realize this has frightening implications: Do we want to get rid of love? The panic felt at any threat to love is a good […]
When an industry speed-up drastically shortens the time available for contact between flight attendants and passengers, it can become virtually impossible to deliver emotional labor. In that event, the transmutation of emotion work, feeling rules, and social exchange will fail. Company claims about offering a smile “from the inside out” (Delta) will become untenable. The […]
7.1 DEFINING INTELLIGENCE Intelligence in Everyday Life • The Big Picture: A Life-Span View • Research Approaches to Intelligence • Discovering Development: How Do People Show Intelligence? 7.2 DEVELOPMENTAL TRENDS IN PSYCHOMETRIC INTELLIGENCE The Measurement of Intelligence • Age-Related Changes in Primary Abilities • Secondary Mental Abilities • Moderators of Intellectual Change • Current Controversies: […]
The relationship between feminism, postmodernism and epistemology is a complex one. Yeatman (1994:15) maintains that ‘what can be argued is that a postmodern feminism, or one which is refracted through the politics of difference, is a feminism committed to a specific epistemological polities’. She identifies a number of dimensions which characterise such an orientation. These […]
Gender Performatives and Discursive Clashes
Further reasons for the persistent exclusion of cases like those of Karla Homolka from a feminist construction of violent female subjectivity lie in their unsettling of pretheorized notions of femininity. Her transgression rendered overt the constructed nature of both mainstream and feminist performatives of femininity. For when dominant legal and media “scripts” called for complete […]