The contribution of the confessional television interview can be seen as an important corrective for women caught up in sex scandals. It is a place where they can exercise some control over the presentation of the story as it circulates in the public sphere. Certainly, this appears to have been the case in recent scandals […]
Месяц: Сентябрь 2015
The Message of the Verdict
A Three-Act Morality Play Starring Clarence Thomas, Willie Smith, and Mike Tyson Charles R. Lawrence III Americans are obsessed with sex and fearful of black sexuality. The obsession has to do with a search for stimulation and meaning in a fast-paced, market-driven culture; the fear is rooted in visceral feelings about black bodies fueled by […]
The Deconstructed Father: Ghostly but Present
The known donor becomes a more complicated figure once the child is born. The mother, through her talk, can help her child navigate the challenge of the “looking-glass self.” However, when a physical person enters and leaves their lives, certain contradictions arise and have to be dealt with by the mothers. These include terms or […]
With the graying of America we will see more and more older adults with memory-related problems. Thus, one important implication of this demographic trend is to meet the needs of this growing issue. The number of funded outreach memory and aging centers is growing in the United States (e. g., the center partnered by Auburn […]
Normal versus Abnormal Memory Aging
Many normative changes take place in memory as people grow old, such as those in working memory and secondary memory. Still, many aspects of memory functioning do not change, such as the ability to remember the gist of a story. Increasingly forgetting names or what one needs at the supermarket, though annoying, appears to be […]
Families in conflict
Somali mothers, particularly single mothers, must cope daily with doing the household chores, disciplining and raising children and, as is the case for other women, they often they have to take low — paying unskilled jobs to help support family members, both in Canada and in Somalia. Once they enter the system, however, they quickly […]
Economic responsibility for the family
Because many Somali women are the only adult in Canada from their extended family, there are certain responsibilities and expectations that they alone must fulfil, such as supporting family members back home by sending them money, and trying to sponsor other family members to come into Canada. Single mothers feel the pressure more than two-parent […]
Clinical Issues and Memory Testing
LEARNING OBJECTIVES • What is the difference between normal and abnormal memory aging? • What is the connection between memory and mental health? • How is memory affected by nutrition and drugs? L atarra’s children are concerned. Latarra is 80 and is becoming more and more forgetful. With the scare of Alzheimer’s disease so salient […]
Individual Difference Variables in Memory Training
As we have seen throughout this chapter, adults are a very heterogeneous group when it comes to memory performance. Research reviewed earlier has shown that verbal ability, prior knowledge, and familiarity influence how well one performs on memory tasks. Herrmann (1993) argued that individual difference variables should be considered when designing memory training programs. Moreover, […]
I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. —Ralph Ellison45 The answer to the question "What happens to Black males in college?" is in many respects as complex as the parallel but larger question of "What happens to Black males in America?" In terms of the outcomes—academic performance, college satisfaction, and self-concept—considered […]