Месяц: Сентябрь 2015

A Great Place to Have a Baby

rebecca steinitz I had my first child in 1996. I received my PhD in 1997. I had my second child in 2000. Now it is 2007, but I am not the tenured professor my timetable suggests I should be. Ah, you think, you’ve heard this story, in all its variations. She and her husband met […]

Making it real

Berger and Kellner (1964: 9) note that in marrying, partners embark ‘on the often difficult task of constructing for themselves the little world in which they will live’. The fact that most of the younger same-sex part­ners had already begun this task before entry into civil partnership in part undermines the ‘cataclysmic connotation’ (ibid) that […]

Psychic Income of Motherhood

To the extent that women’s decisions about developing and in­vesting their human capital are influenced by rational calcula­tions of costs and benefits that seek, as economists put it, to maximize “utility”—sometimes referred to as happiness or self­interest—why would they ever choose to have children? A ridiculous question, some would say. But consider for a moment […]

Psychic Income of Motherhood

To the extent that women’s decisions about developing and in­vesting their human capital are influenced by rational calcula­tions of costs and benefits that seek, as economists put it, to maximize “utility”—sometimes referred to as happiness or self­interest—why would they ever choose to have children? A ridiculous question, some would say. But consider for a moment […]

Male hysteria

Since 1980 there have been male responses to feminist methodology that have been hysterical. James Davis’s (1994) attack using the offen­sive metaphor of germs and infections is entirely hysterical in tone. Of course, not all men have been opposed to feminist methods, methodol­ogy or epistemology as the work by, for example, McLennan (1985), Holmwood (1985) […]