День: 02.10.2015

Distinctions in taste and the politics of aesthetic form

‘Quality’ drama has been an important institutional space on public service television for the expression of sexual subjectivities that lie outside the ‘respectable’ norm. Oppositional, political dramas have existed alongside the more conformist and ‘respectable’ costume dramas, which themselves have become more sexually adventur­ous in recent years (Nelson 2001b). The leeway in sexual censorship began […]

My Gay Problem, Your Black Problem

Earl Ofari Hutchinson HAVE BLACK ATTITUDES toward gays undergone much change today? Hardly. Rappers such as Ice Cube still rap that "Real niggers ain’t faggots." Leading Afrocentrists have sworn that "homosexuality is a deviation from Afrocentricity." Bushels of Black ministers, with generous support from their white Christian fundamentalist breth­ren, still brand homosexuality "a sin before […]

Theories Based on Life Transitions

Jung’s belief in a midlife crisis, Erikson’s belief that personality development proceeds in stages, and Loevinger’s notion that cognitive and ego develop­ment are mutually interactive laid the foundation for other theorists’ efforts. For many laypeople, the idea that adults go through an orderly sequence of stages that includes both crises and stability reflects their own […]

Coming out of the closet

The roots of a twenty-first century understanding of gay and lesbian sexuality as an ‘identity’ lie in late nineteenth-century medical and sexological discourses in which homosexuality moved from being a category of sin, as defined by the Christian Church, to a psychosexual disposition. As a sinful act it had been assumed that anyone could be […]

Loevinger’s Theory

Loevinger (1976, 1998) saw a need to extend the groundwork laid by Erikson both theoretically and empirically. For her, the ego is the chief organizer: the integrator of our morals, values, goals, and thought processes. Because this integration per­formed by the ego is so complex and is influenced by personal experiences, it is the primary […]

Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

The best-known life-span theorist is Erik Erikson (1982), who called attention to cultural mechanisms involved in personality development. According to him, personality is determined by the interaction between an inner maturational plan and external societal demands. He proposes that the life cycle has eight stages of development, summarized in Table 9.1. Erikson believed the sequence […]


So far we have been tracing the history of ‘the manly ideal’ and its countertypes in the modern era, looking especially closely at changing conceptions of the male body as it was re-imagined following the First World War. One disadvantage of Mosse’s account of the dominant form of masculinity — and this is also true […]

What’s Different about Personal Concerns?

Recently, many researchers have begun analyzing personality in ways that are explicitly contextual, in contrast to work on dispositional traits, which ignores context. This recent work emphasizes the importance of sociocultural influences on devel­opment that shape people’s wants and behaviors (Hooker, 2002). For example, Thorne (Thorne & Klohnen, 1993) showed that when people talk about […]