The notion that Blacks are not like gays takes several rhetorical forms in Black anti-racist discourse. Perhaps the most problematic is idea that in a biological, cultural, and "natural" sense, homosexuality is fundamentally unBlack.1 Blacks are not like gays, in other words, because gays are white. Frantz Fanon, for example, claimed that "there is no […]
День: 02.10.2015
Given this relation between status and the treatment of feeling, it follows that persons in low-status categories—women, people of color, children—lack a status shield against poorer treatment of their feelings. This simple fact has the power to utterly transform the content of a job. The job of flight attendant, for example, is not the same […]
The Case for Stability: The Five-Factor Model
Although many different trait theories of personality have been proposed over the years, few have been concerned with or have been based on adults of different ages. A major exception to this is the five — factor model proposed by Costa and McCrae (1994; McCrae, 2002). Their model is strongly grounded in cross-sectional, longitudinal, and […]
When violence against men does become visible, do we still Ignore it?
ITEM When a female jogger m Central Park in 1989 was raped and brutalized.20 "Take Back the Night" demonstrations were nationwide. The solution? A headline m an Ellen Goodman column read "Safety for Women? Try Removing Men."2′ ITEM When a male jogger n Central Park п 1989 was hospitalized after being brutally beaten on the […]
AFTER BABY, NOW WHAT? The Changing World of Adoption
Rebecca, like many of the twenty-one other adoptive mothers in this study, wants to adopt a child who will not only fulfill her desire to be a mother but also fit into her preexisting private and public life. At first glance, adoption might seem like an ideal social institution that meets the needs of both […]
I The Prison Lesbian Race, Class, and the Construction of the Aggressive Female Homosexual, 1915 -1965
I first encountered references to lesbianism in women’s prisons during my dissertation research in the 1970s, but when I later uncovered rich accounts of sexual relations between prisoners in the papers of Miriam Van Waters, I decided to look more closely at this phenomenon. The prison lesbian, like the male psychopath, seemed to supplant the […]
The Burao conflict, 1992
The initial euphoria surrounding Somaliland’s independence was shattered by the outbreak of fighting between sub-clans in Burao in January 1992 and in Berbera in March 1992. Many of the people caught up in the fighting had only just arrived in Somaliland, having endured often terrifying and arduous journeys of many weeks as they fled from […]
Multiple Models: From Typology to Relationship
Scalar models of personality have often stemmed from theories of personality ‘types’. Extraversion-introversion scales and the famous ‘F scale’ of authoritarianism both derive from such typologies, devised by Jung and the Frankfurt school respectively. M/F scales similarly derive from unitary models of sexual character, in effect ‘dimensionalizing’ them by adding a range of possibilities in […]
Pure versus applied
I Uncontrolled Desires The Response to the Sexual Psychopath, 1920 -1960
As I began to compare the response to male and female deviance in twentieth-century America, I kept encountering medical, legal, and popular references to the sexual psychopath. In this essay, I interpret the psychopath scare of the 1930s through the 1950s not simply as an expression of psychiatric authority but as a popular, discursive construction […]