In the preceding chapters, we saw how survival historically depended on a woman choosing a man who would die to protea her. We also saw why choosing male killers to protea us now threatens survival. But what are some of the most important gut-level internal responses we must confront if we are to stop dividing […]
День: 03.10.2015
Conclusion: the anticulture revolution
I have tried to show how the history of culture mirrors the sex dichotomy in its very organization and development. Culture develops not only out of the underlying economic dialectic, but also out of the deeper sex dialectic. Thus, there is not only a horizontal dynamic, but a vertical one as well: each of these […]
Possible Selves
Another important aspect of self-concept and creating a scenario about ourselves is the ability to project ourselves into the future and to speculate about what we might be like (Markus & Nurius, 1986). How do we do this? Projecting ourselves into the future involves creating possible selves that represent what we could become, what we […]
As we have seen, an important aspect of identity in adulthood is how one integrates various aspects of the self. Self-perceptions and how they differ with age have been examined in a wide variety of studies and are related to many behaviors. Changes in self-perceptions are often manifested in changed beliefs, concerns, and expectations. Self-concept […]
What are we doing to stop this violence against men?
The sexist perception that violence by anyone against only women is antiwoman while violence by a woman against only men is just generic violence creates a political demand for laws that are even more protective of women. For example, when we publicized studies of battered women but ignored a dozen studies pointing to equal numbers […]
In Theory/In Practice
On Choosing Children and the Academy lisa harper In my earliest years of graduate school, it seemed the perfect plan: I could finish my course work, pass my preliminary exams, and get pregnant while writing my dissertation. No matter that a father existed neither in theory nor in practice; my thinking was captive to the […]
Baraka’s Dilemma
To Be or Not to Be? Ron Simmons TOO OFTEN THE homophobia and heterosexism within the African American community force men to be the "hardest hard." They must nullify any feelings and emotions others may consider unmanly. To prove their manhood, they will often attack that which they fear in themselves. Amiri Baraka (born Everett […]
We not only adopt ideologies and feeling rules about dividing the work at home, we pursue gender strategies—persistent lines of feeling and acdon through which we reconcile our gender ideology with arising situations. Thus, our acts of emotion management are not randomly distributed across situations and time; they are guided by an aim. This aim […]
We not only adopt ideologies and feeling rules about dividing the work at home, we pursue gender strategies—persistent lines of feeling and acdon through which we reconcile our gender ideology with arising situations. Thus, our acts of emotion management are not randomly distributed across situations and time; they are guided by an aim. This aim […]
The Somali clan-based system
All people of Somali ethnicity2 will belong through patrilineal descent to one of the six kin-based clan families that make up a confederation of genealogically related clans (Lewis 1961). A clan is thus a group of people who claim descent from a common ancestor and who trace their blood relationships through the male line.3 The […]