День: 04.10.2015


This was not to be. By the mid-nineteenth century, Johnson’s character had already been turned into caricature and he was remembered as a man whose fabulous eccentricities seemed to mark him out as a figure of fun, one whose ‘opinions’ were ‘fast becoming obsolete’ (Carlyle 1966 [1841]: 182). It was left to another Scottish writer, […]


There are three feminist strategies to be explored: how feminist sociol­ogists have revisited and criticised the founding fathers central to the malestream grand narrative; how feminists have searched out alterna­tive founding fathers; and how feminists have used ideas from the founding fathers to build feminist sociology. At one level, the way the history of sociology […]

I The Burning of Letters Continues Elusive Identities and the Historical Construction of Sexuality

The story behind Miriam Van Waters’s burning of her personal correspondence illus­trates the problem of interpreting sexual identities historically. Like the working-class lesbians in prison, the administrators and staff of women’s reformatories were vulner­able to charges of sexual deviance. Long before I became her biographer, I had heard rumors about Van Waters’s personal life, so […]


Early on in the AIDS epidemic, and continuing for some time, scientists, the press, and the public seemed curiously fixated on the origins of the virus associated with AIDS. From the perspective of the black community, interest in HIV’s possible African roots seemed insatiable. Article after article appeared, recirculating identical hy­potheses. The discovery of a […]