Keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongueof a strange woman. . . For by means of a whorish woman aman is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress willhunt for the precious life. The Holy Bible (1611 edn), Proverbs 6.24 and 26 Instead of condemning. . . reason, […]
День: 04.10.2015
By the end of the eighteenth century, attitudes towards male and female sexuality had been transformed. As we have seen, this reconfiguration drew on many older ideas about the nature of men and women: but it was only made possible by the emergence of new ways of thinking about human character and society. It was […]
Save-a-girl fund
ITEM When Children International seeks sponsors for children, seventeen out of eighteen of the children it shows are female.1 The viewer is told, "When you adopt a cMd. she wi write, she will have food, she…" In another ad, poverty itself is defined as "hunger and a little g/г/ growing old too fast." Why this […]