Several women in this study undertook a bold and risky venture to include contact with the birth mother as part of an expanding kinship system that is not reflected on birth certificates or through other legal documents. Wflien the adoptive family incorporates birth parents who have given up their legal rights to their biological offspring, […]
День: 05.10.2015
We have seen how far, and with what success, sexual charities tried to reaffirm traditional Christian principles of personal responsibility for sin and redemption. The public philanthropy of the later eighteenth century also helped to develop new ideas. In particular, it undermined the idea that all acts of unchastity were inherently and equally culpable, and […]
Fixing the Faggot
Black Subjectivity as “Autocartography” in the Work of Lyle Ashton Harris B. E. Myers In the world through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself. —Frantz Fanon An artist must be free to choose what he does certainly, but he must also never be afraid to do what he might choose. —Langston Hughes1 How […]
Developmental Issues in Assessment and Therapy
LEARNING OBJECTIVES • What key areas are included in a multidimensional approach to assessment? • What factors influence the assessment of adults? • How are mental health issues assessed? • What are some major considerations for therapy across adulthood? J uan is a 76-year-old World War II veteran who lives in California. Over the past […]
Few traces have survived of life in these places before the nineteenth century. Their buildings have long vanished. All the manuscripts of the London Magdalen House have been destroyed. A single ledger is all that survives from the Lambeth Asylum. Our only way in is through the admissions books of the third main charity, the […]
The appeal of the philanthropic approach went far beyond its promise of social improvement. Vanity, fashion, and self-interest were also important motives. Networks of family, friendship, and business, for example, were crucial to the success of every public charity. Between them, the eight men who founded the Magdalen held five directorships of the Russia Company, […]
Ethnicity, Aging, and Mental Health
As you saw first in Chapter 1 and elsewhere in the text, sociocultural influences are a major and often overlooked factor in understanding people’s behavior and developmental history. Mental health is no exception; in fact, sociocultural influences must be considered in assessing people’s behavior to understand its meaning more adequately and in designing effective ways […]
Drug Abuse
A fourth impediment to our efforts to grapple with AIDS is the association of the disease with drug abuse. We as a community have a complex relationship with illicit drugs, a relationship that often paralyzes us. On the one hand, blacks are scared to even admit the dimensions of the problem for fear that we […]
A Multidimensional Life-Span Approach to Psychopathology
Suppose two people, one young and one old, came into your clinic, each complaining about a lack of sleep, changes in appetite, a lack of energy, and feeling down. What would you say to them? If you evaluate them in identical ways, you might be headed for trouble. Just as we have seen in other […]
Junger believed ‘the values of the bourgeois world’ to be incompatible with what he called ‘the select embodiments of a powerful masculinity’ and on one occasion he even went so far as to depict combat as ‘the male form of procreation’ (quoted in Huyssen 1993: 10). But by no means every writer who has found […]