Feminist sociology owes a debt to Weber, but one which is rarely acknowledged. Weber brought into sociology the concept of patriarchy, or to be more precise, patriarchal authority. He differentiated three types of authority (charismatic, bureaucratic and patriarchal), as part of his attempt to theorise nineteenth-century European societies. Feminists after 1968, especially separatist radical feminists […]
День: 05.10.2015
There is a relatively large literature in feminist sociology which starts from Marx. Hamilton (1978), for example, used Marx as the fundamental theorist for understanding how women experienced the passage from feudalism to capitalism in Europe. Feminist writers in Third Wave feminism were critical of Marx’s failure to address sex differences among workers, explore exploitation […]
An Overview When only one lex wins, both sexes lose. Warren Farrell When a woman committed a crime in the United States in the 1800s, it was her husband who served time 1 Similarly, under Knglish law, when a family went into debt, it was the husband who went to debtor’s prison. When it comes […]
The dress and behaviour of female students
It was against such a background that the dress and behaviour of adolescent girls in the wake of the Revolution became a particular source of concern (contemporary Western observers such as the French consular official, Jean Rodes, referred to a general outbreak of ‘hysteria’ amongst young people, women, students and theatrical performers).100 Even Tan Sheying, […]
A number of feminist theorists and writers have commented on Huyssen’s work. Probyn (1987:353) claims that Huyssen’s argument is framed around a range of binary oppositions such as high/low and masculine/feminine. Within this framework ‘Mass culture is conceived of solely as the denigrated as is the feminine reader in her affinity with the former.’ Probyn […]
Mental Health and the Adult Life Course
LEARNING OBJECTIVES • How are mental health and psychopathology defined? • What are the key dimensions used for categorizing psychopathology? • Why are ethnicity and aging important variables to consider in understanding mental health? J anet lives alone in a small apartment. Lately, some of her neighbors have noticed that Janet doesn’t come to church […]
From the 1750s onwards, the rescue and rehabilitation of prostitutes became a major social concern. Huge efforts were poured into the foundation and operation of asylums, workhouses, and other charities for fallen women, girls at risk of seduction, and other actual or potential victims of male lust. We have already noticed several of the main […]
Clinical Assessment, Mental Health, and Mental Disorders
10.1 MENTAL HEALTH AND THE ADULT LIFE COURSE Defining Mental Health and Psychopathology • A Multidimensional Life-Span Approach to Psychopathology • Ethnicity, Aging, and Mental Health 10.2 DEVELOPMENTAL ISSUES IN ASSESSMENT AND THERAPY Areas of Multidimensional Assessment • Factors Influencing Assessment • Assessment Methods • Developmental Issues in Therapy 10.3 THE BIG THREE: DEPRESSION, DELIRIUM, […]
Suspicion and Mistrust
It is difficult to overemphasize the extent to which the black community, qua community, reflexively responds with suspicion and mistrust to what are perceived as "white" initiatives. Just as Jews admonish each other to "never forget," we do not wish to forget the bitter lessons we have been taught since being brought to these shores. […]
Money and the making of the couple
As discussed in Chapter 4, almost all of couples had lived together before formalising their relationships, and some saw their entry into civil partnerships as signalling the ‘mature’ nature of the couple commitment. Thus civil partnership could provide couples with the opportunity to review their financial affairs with a mind to ordering them in a […]