День: 07.10.2015

Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Circumstances

I wanted a normal child to enter my abnormal life. —Jennifer, known-donor route to motherhood Garrison Keillor’s Lake Wobegon Days, based upon his radio show, A Prairie Home Companion, posits a community in which “all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking and all the children are above average.” In this parody of […]


Cruelty and Kindness in Mother-Daughter Bonds In a workshop titled “Gender, Context and Narrative” in Trivandrum, Kerala, India, in 1998, a gathering of Indian women—Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Syrian Christian, most from the Brahmin caste but some from the matrilineal Nayar, and others from the Ezhava and Pulaya—told stories of their grandmothers, their mothers, and themselves. […]


Cruelty and Kindness in Mother-Daughter Bonds In a workshop titled “Gender, Context and Narrative” in Trivandrum, Kerala, India, in 1998, a gathering of Indian women—Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Syrian Christian, most from the Brahmin caste but some from the matrilineal Nayar, and others from the Ezhava and Pulaya—told stories of their grandmothers, their mothers, and themselves. […]

‘Having it all’ in postfeminist drama

Postfeminism is an ambiguous term in that it can imply both a continuity and a break with the second wave feminism that preceded it. ‘Post’ means ‘after’, and we can therefore simply understand the term as the multiple responses to the political challenges posed by the feminist movement of the 1970s. Generation is one of […]