Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000, dir. Ang Lee) The women of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon fly high, fast, and far. The film is ostensibly about freedom, particularly feminine freedom, so it is worth noting that the three female protagonists live entirely outside the feminine mainstream of Chinese society—of that or any time. Women’s freedom is […]
День: 07.10.2015
Is ft Just the feminists who rationalize sex blot?
While it is understandable how a feminist-sponsored commission on sex bias would be a commission with sex bias, similar bias is also common in reports from male-dominated government agencies such as the U. S. Department of Justice. For example: The U. S. Department of Justice reports that men have longer sentences than women.35 They rationalize […]
The representation of Madonna as a postfeminist cultural. phenomenon
In recent years much has been written about what is seen by some writers as a ‘site of struggle’ within popular culture—the representation of Madonna as a postmodernist postfeminist cultural phenomenon. The following analysis considers some of the debates around Madonna positioned at the interface of postfeminism and popular culture. A collection of essays which […]
The Elixir of Dennis Rodman
Race, Sexual Orientation, and Anti-Essentialism Jerome McCristal Culp Lesbian identity—and our playing out of it—matters. At the same time, Lesbian performances are not unconstrained. We do not choose freely from an unlimited set of possibilities. While we make and remake our identities, we do so within the boundaries of conventions; and while we may choose […]
This chapter considers the ways in which postfeminist discourses have been incorporated into ‘quality’ drama in the commercial television industry, with a particular focus on Sex and the City (HBO 1998-2004). For Home Box Office, the makers of the serial, ‘quality’ drama has been used successfully to enhance both its visibility and its reputation in […]
Madonna, pleasure and ‘cultural populism’
The location of popular culture at the intersection of debates around modernism and postmodernism can be seen to coalesce around a number of themes, including representational politics, (subcultural) identities and cultural theory. Centrally placed in many of these debates has been the popular cultural phenomenon of Madonna, which can act as a valuable case study […]
Gissing does not use the word ‘homosexual’ in his letter, perhaps because it was still a relatively new term in 1895; its first appearance in English was probably in an early translation of Krafft-Ebing’s sexological compendium Psychopathia Sexualis in 1892. By classifying people according to their sexual histories, Krafft-Ebing helped to provide a medical warrant […]
How the inequality is rationalized Sentence compounding
When the state gives the female the first option to plea bargain and receives extra evidence about a man in exchange for repressing evidence about a woman, this leads the press to report the evidence against the man, which leads the public to reinforce its stereotype of man-as-criminal, woman-as — innocent. Thus the initial belief […]
Clan identity and loyalty
Clan identity is patrilineal and it is for life; you belong to your father’s clan and this does not change when you marry, for either a man or a woman. Having said this, there are differences for men and women. For a man the paramount clan relationship, sense of identity and loyalty is with brothers […]
The Joy of Work?
The assumption that women experience unpaid housework and child care more negatively than paid work bears critical examination. For many (if not most) women, empirical evidence suggests that this is not the case. In developing the Day Reconstruction Method, a sophisticated approach to assessing how people feel during their daily activities, Daniel Kahneman and his […]