День: 08.10.2015

Anxiety Disorders

Imagine that you are about to give a speech before an audience of 500 people. In the last few minutes before your address, you begin to feel nervous, your heart starts to pound, and your palms get sweaty. (You now have something in common with Daisy’s reactions.) These feelings, common even to veteran speakers, are […]


In Silicon Valley, where peach orchards have disappeared and electronics fac­tories have sprouted in their stead, where low-paying jobs have replaced high — paying jobs, where neighbors are new and the singles clubs full, we meet, in Judith Stacey’s 1990 book, Brave New Families, a woman named Pam Gama. We meet her first as the […]


In Silicon Valley, where peach orchards have disappeared and electronics fac­tories have sprouted in their stead, where low-paying jobs have replaced high — paying jobs, where neighbors are new and the singles clubs full, we meet, in Judith Stacey’s 1990 book, Brave New Families, a woman named Pam Gama. We meet her first as the […]

Parsons and Merton

In the period from 1930 onwards two Americans are regularly pre­sented as founding fathers to today’s students: Robert Merton and Talcott Parsons. These two American men dominated sociology in the era of Second Wave feminism (1930-68). One of them, Talcott Parsons, became a symbol to feminists of all that was pernicious about malestream sociology, while […]

Madonna and the politics of postmodernism: ‘material girl’ and the. politics of consumer culture

Madonna’s high measure of success as ‘a postmodern phenomenon’ highlights the interplay between postmodernism and consumerism, and her transformative identity can be understood at the level of materiality and simulation. At a material level Madonna’s ability to market herself and to accommodate the ‘late capitalist marketplace’ (Schwichtenberg 1993:9) addresses the needs of ‘the media, beauty […]