The almost exclusive focus on sexual relationships and consumption in Sex and the City speaks to the cultural influence in the 1990s of the ‘bourgeois bohemians’. This class fraction has, David Brooks (2000) argues, replaced the yuppies as the new culturally dominant class in the USA (and other developed economies). The key feature of this […]
День: 09.10.2015
There are two distinct Durkheimian traditions in contemporary social science, and so it is important to clarify which Durkheim is under discussion before exploring modern feminist responses to his work. There is the mainstream sociological Durkheim, promulgated by Parsons, who is an empiricist, a positivist and a conservative. Then there is the Gallic Durkheim of […]
Wajir Women for Peace
Somali society is modernising, with a small but growing minority of women receiving education and entering professional occupations. These women are increasingly being recognised as vital to current conflict resolution and peace-building. Wajir Women for Peace is an organisation that illustrates this trend. Between 1992 and 1998 a violent inter-clan conflict raged in Wajir District, […]
The Women’s Liberation and the Gay Liberation Movements
Huey P. Newton During the past few years strong movements have developed among women and among homosexuals seeking their liberation. There has been some uncertainty about how to relate to these movements. WH AT EVER YOUR PERSONAL opinions and your insecurities about homosexuality and the various liberation movements among homosexuals and women (and I speak […]
Traditional roles for Somali women in peace-making and conflict resolution
To date no systematic account of local conflict-resolution systems has been described in the literature concerning the Somali people. The roles of women in either promoting conflict or promoting peace have been even less documented. It is clear, however, that women did historically and do today play a role in promoting both war and peace. […]
Divorce and Remarriage
Despite what couples pledge on their wedding day, many marriages do not last until death parts them; instead, marriages are dissolved through divorce. But even though divorce is stressful and difficult, thousands of people each year also choose to try marriage again. Most enter their second (or third or fourth) marriage with renewed expectations of […]
The children need their mother defense
ITEM Colorado. Lory Foster’s husband had returned from Vietnam and was going through mood swrvgs both from posttraumatic stress syndrome and from diabetes.*8 They had gotten mto a fight and he had abused her. So she killed him. Yet even the prosecutor did not ask for a jail term. Why not? So Lory could care […]
Both psychoanalysts and actors, from different perspectives, have spoken about a “false self,” which is a disbelieved, unclaimed self, a part of “me” that is not “really me.” To the psychoanalyst, the false self embodies our acceptance of early parental requirements that we act so as to please others, at the expense of our own […]
Woman Who Killed Child Remains Free
Judge Says He Hopes Treatment Will Improve Her Mental Health ■r TOM COKMAN. Гйш aw IV. The mothers don’t kill defense ITEM Illinois. Paula Sens reported that her first daughter. Loralei. was abducted by a masked gunman. In fact she murdered Loralei. But she got away with it57 So when her next daughter. Heather Lee. […]
The depressed mother defense: baby blues and terrible twos
The baby blues Remember Sheryl Lynn Massip, a mother in her mid-twenties who murdered her 6-month-old son by crushing his head under the wheel of the family car? Massip systematically covered up the murder until she was discovered Then she testified that she suffered from postpartum depression — or baby blues. Her sentence’ TreatmentM Do […]